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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. I do recall seeing 3 servers being completely full and having to spam enter my way into the server, WAY before tilde guideline was a thing. Back then no one even questioned how identities were known, it was just a part of the game. Cops also got a lot more money for arresting people and had 0 incentive to give people reduced tickets. Yet people kept coming back. Also, with regards to training sessions, they really just don't work. Being able to RP is something that just comes with practice, some people are better at it, some are worse. All RP training sessions ever did was cause 25+ cops to start using the exact same RP as everyone else, until the next session came where they learned a new "RP" technique to use. I remember when we first taught people that an example to get an identity is to take blood samples, and that got out of hand REALLY fast, and was then frowned upon. At this point SAPD literally says not to use it. This sort of thing happens every training session.
  2. For those of you who haven't heard yet, Origin announced something yesterday called Origin access which is basically a subscription for 4.99/mo which gets you a bunch of games, discounts, among other stuff. I know some people think EA is the devil, but anyone considering getting it? I thought about it because there are some interesting games on there, but am still undecided. Some of the games include Battlefield Hardline, BF4, FIFA 2015 (No 2016, ), and the Dead Space series. Thoughts? More info: https://www.origin.com/en-us/store/origin-access
  3. Most of the things Wheatkings said gave me headaches...
  4. You were not in the heli... I was there for a good 5 or 10 minutes after it all ended and I didn't arrest anyone. If you got arrested after all that, thats your own fault for loitering around a mass casualty incident.
  5. Defibs are too OP. How did a random rebel or a cop all of a sudden learn all the skills that a medic has to revive a person, stabilize them, and heal them enough to where they can run and gun again? Realistically, paramedics only stabilize you and take you a hospital where a team of doctors works on you. And even this takes about a year and a half of schooling. IF Defibs are instituted, it should be like the old stolen kidney effect. You can move around, but your sight is shit. Layperson defibs would never get you back to anywhere near 100%
  6. I got hooked up with vicodin about a month back for the same thing. Apparently I had a cavity so large that the nerve was exposed. Funny thing is, it didn't hurt a bit until AFTER he filled it
  7. Might wanna mention the need for bolt cutters and blasting charge for the Fed. Other than that, nice job
  8. Or Death Squad? Which later merged to form the Nerdz we all knew and loved?
  9. Thanks for deleting my house at Meth Pro, Toe Knee. I can't even sell it :(

  10. Server 2 got the update!

  11. @Poseidon If you see this fairly early, any chance of a server restart so that those of us with updated Armas can get on the server? :P

  12. I stream more so that I don't have to waste hard drive space on videos, yet I still have managed to get over 50 followers, some of which come back quite frequently even though I don't really cater to the audience. If you had a cam, and actually interacted, you could probably do pretty well, considering your great RP, funny antics, and awesome fake accent.
  13. I ask this question purely based off your post: How high are you?
  14. I play with Bubba on aa nightly basis, and he's on before I get on and after I get off, and I usually play a solid hour and a half to 2. Is there anyway we can start seeing our playtimes as marked in your guy's super top secret spreadsheet? I used to check my time frequently and now I can only find it out when I catch Fedot.
  15. Only thing that I wish I had was the ability to call off a hostage situation if a team was able to safely pick everyone off.
  16. To be fair, Fedot goes around giving people their stats occasionally. Congrats Gidgit. You're ranking up just as fast as McDili did way back when!
  17. Definitely better than Ghostface: And Dustin can't even take off...:
  18. This makes me want to join Tree now.
  19. So say you wrong a person and comp them, which they accept. Can they still turn around and put a ticket on you just to ruin your day? In other words, is comping someone for their gear / vehicle / etc, a valid way to get out of a ban, or will the admins still ban even if someone was comped?
  20. Everybody get into TS group 1 now! #FreeCloak

  21. 1 Year? Psh, what a noob. I've got 9 whole days on you.
  22. Well according to Thomas, it'd be best if you didn't say anything.
  23. To be fair Muth, you said cops need to have PC to CONTACT you, not yo search you. By saying contact, you're saying we can't even talk to them in town without PC. So I can't use my newly acquired Tilde3000 glasses to identify people?
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