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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. Part of the issue is that it can become a big game of telephone. What one sAPD may have told one person, may be completely warped by the time the 3rd or 4th person finds out about it. It can easily go from "A corporal was removed because he began lethaling people in Kavala square" to "A corporal was blacklisted because he used lethals because he thought he was outnumbered when he wasn't" And people entering the community can see something like that, and though it may be intimidating, it will also show that we do in fact hold the APD members accountable, and that they shouldn't be worried about cops ruining the server by acting like they are above the rules. If someone messes up, they are given an appropriate punishment not a slap on the wrist, but also nothing excessively harsh.
  2. Lucki

    I'm Out

    Ruh Oh. We better start a beer and pizza fund for poseidon to keep him motivated and prevent complete burn out
  3. Lucki

    I'm Out

    Shut up @Fedot. o7 Sad to see you go. I never really followed it much so I'm not entirely sure, but was it just you and Poseidon that developed, or are there other people?
  4. https://www.amazon.com/Friendship-Cliques-Gangs-Coming-America/dp/0807743852 ^That's the book that I'm reading... It's a little dated, but at least it's interesting.
  5. Hue Hue. You guys will have to give me a break. I've been reading about 50 to 100 pages a day for my graduate program. Much of which is about black adolescents and schools. I saw NW Mango, and automatically assumed Mory Mango, because you know... black adolescent. I was kinda surprised that Mory joined NW... but that explains it. Sorry for calling you a teamspeak slut @Mory Mango I'm going back to writing my essays now...
  6. It was just a friendly jab, calm your tits. 90% of the time people get your IP address just from you joining their Teamspeak. At that point they can DDOS you all they want.
  7. Well maybe if @Mory Mango wasn't such a Teamspeak slut, people wouldn't have his IP address to DDOS him.
  8. Can I get a run down of what happened? I can gather some stuff from Peter's post, but I honestly have no idea of what happened besides people bitching about it.
  9. That might be considered combat logging? Maybe?
  10. Realistically, how often do you see a house being searched? Not very often. And there are a few times where we don't search the house, or are unable to search the house because the owner isn't online. By law, officers are allowed to search you and any area immediately around you to make sure evidence was not hidden. How do we know you didn't have a bunch of magazines, grenades, weed, etc. on you? The amount of times that a SGT+ is on while a house needs to be raided is fairly small.
  11. Hopefully you mean IG money... I would have done it just to blacklist him again at the slightest fuck up.
  12. So uh... did you website go down?  #Fedotbreaksstatsagain

  13. What if I just give you corporal in APD for a logo? Though you might need to make one for @McDili because he'd have to sign off in it also.
  14. I know in the past i deleted a bunch of .PBO files, and the game ran fine (and even faster for a bit) I just can't remember which. And my screenshot up top is from CCleaner.
  15. Anyone know if I'm safe to delete these or at least some of these? I feel like I have in the past and Arma just redownloaded what it needed, with much smaller files. This shit is all taking up around 7GB of precious SSD space, and I'm trying to make some room.
  16. I might just take you up on that...
  17. This reminds me of when the radar on the helicopters disappeared like 1.5 years ago. Everyone bitched about it for a few weeks... and then everyone sort of forgot about it. Now the general consensus seems to be that its better like this.
  18. http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/293183-33-baking-graphics-card-oven http://lifehacker.com/5823227/save-dying-video-cards-with-a-quick-bake-in-the-oven https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Repair+VGA+card+by+re-flowing+solder+on+the+board/2240 Just to confirm that I was being completely serious.
  19. There is a way you can possibly save your graphics card. My brother has done it twice in a few years and it's worked... You put it in the oven. Not even joking right now
  20. What video card are you running? Any chance you let it overheat or it is fairly old and decided to die?
  21. Lucki


    Yep, mine is one that cost like $30, and another like $10 for an SD card. Records in 1080P. It also has an option for recording while the car is parked based off of either motion sensor or a sudden jolt. I haven't actually pulled video from it though to see the quality.
  22. So I was setting up a dashcam in my car that I got for my birthday, and while looking through the settings I saw an option for recording length. First thing that popped to mind was "Better set this to 5 minutes otherwise the mods are gonna throw out my RDM ticket"... And then I dropped my head in shame. Fuck you Olympus for what you have done to me... Anyone else use dashcams?
  23. How do you properly rp the slam mines? By the time you tell someone to stop driving, they'd blow up.
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