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Everything posted by Tyrone

  1. Tyrone

    Selling Tasers

    6 cmr 3 spar-16s w/ 3 mags 15 type 115 15 mk1
  2. You want spar-16 or spar-16s?
  3. i HAVE: 6 cmr 2 spar-16s w/ 3 mags 15 type 115 14 mk1 
  4. Tyrone

    WTB Cop Tasers

    i HAVE: 6 cmr 2 spar-16s w/ 3 mags 15 type 115 14 mk1 
  5. This usually happens to me when I change servers all I do to fix it is go to the character screen press ok again and back out and that works for me
  6. Tyrone

    Selling p90

  7. 2m
  8. alright ill be on around 12pm pst
  9. sure, have them on server 1 so if u play server 2 its gonna be a bit hard to get 20 of them
  10. i HAVE: 21 mxm 6 cmr 2 spar-16s w/ 3 mags 15 type 115 14 mk1 
  11. Tyrone


    21 mxm 6 cmr 2 spar-16s w/ 3 mags 15 type 115 15 mk1
  12. Tyrone

    Selling Tasers

    mxms are 250k ea and spar-16s are 1.25m 1m cmr 350k ea and spar-16s for 1.25m
  13. Tyrone

    Selling Tasers

  14. 21 mxm 6 cmr 3 spar-16s w/ 3 mags 15 type 115 15 mk1
  15. I have every taser for sale (except PO mxs). Mostly want to get rid of spar-16s, mxms, type 115, and mk-1s. Lemme know what u need and see if we can make a deal
  16. 10m
  17. These new supporter uniforms look so much better compared to the older ones +1

  18. C564954506853A7FAA2F8B626E041DB08CAA2B12 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skys


      How the fuck do 8 medics fuck up so badly they get caught

    3. Tyrone


      5 minutes ago, Skys said:

      How the fuck do 8 medics fuck up so badly they get caught

      We tried lining them up for a nice picture and then one medic decided to run everyone over, so they all got taken hostage.

  19. Tyrone

    The End

  20. It's alright everything else is great
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