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CHAZ 2.0

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Everything posted by CHAZ 2.0

  1. 07
  2. Gotta love apd fighting armed planes 

    gg ez.png

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I don’t even get the @ smh

    2. Millennium



      5 minutes ago, communistjosh said:

      I don’t even get the @ smh


  3. feels bad
  4. cant find the pc ones on amazon
  5. CHAZ 2.0


    sorry but this family is a tree and r&r family XD although I did enjoy apd at times thanks coffee
  6. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Razer-Thresher-Ultimate-Retractable-Microphone/dp/B071KBRZXP/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1546726511&sr=8-3&keywords=wireless+razer+headset bit expensive but they are good
  7. CHAZ 2.0


    ill be back Monday or Tuesday also happy new year everyone sorry its a bit late
  8. Id just like to let everyone know I will be returning to arma soon last night my fiancée delivered Hannah early hours this morning I should be making a return although I will not be as active id like to thank all of you who have helped me even some of you have came to visit me thanks guys
  9. Id just like to let everyone know I will be returning to arma soon last night my fiancée delivered are baby Hannah I should be making a return although I will not be as active id like to thank all of you who have helped me even some of you have came to visit me thanks guys :) ggg.png.ea05fe80154f190850f1ba8dd7cd9e93.png

    1. destruct


      Congratulations dude!

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Congrats on the baby!

    3. Arigato


      Congrats! Enjoy the endless joy and restless nights

  10. id rather burn hate my life anyway XD
  11. make apd good again I know I have a bad rep but u do deserve it
  12. i was asking there a difference not on my knees about to suck u off was i how is asking begging pmsl
  13. dam this community can be horrible
  14. Gunhand_XIII and me https://www.twitch.tv/hchaz https://www.twitch.tv/gunhand_xiii thanks guys/girls
  15. i was just writing quick so couldn't be be bothered
  16. true one person just kept disliking my stuff feels bad
  17. dam just trying to make a change
  18. right lets just get this straight im doing this to become a better player to recive feedback for my self so plz dont gimme to much hate right a lot of people have been calling me "toxic" in the community lately as i miss to say sorry for this matter i know this maybe a game but its a way to get away from the real world for a little while XD all the stress trying to move to the us and stuff with my baby on the way anyway enough of personal stuff if you dont know me im Chaz some of you maybe know me at stingbangRus or another name im sure some of you know who i am ill get to the point id like to become a nice player so i can get on with more people and appoolagise to the people i have been toxic too or people i may have upset in the past i understand i get angry easerly im trying to overcome this some of you close to me will know why i have issues with anger and confidace etc so this is sorry and i wanted feedback on thing i personally do wrong so i can try to change my bad ways thanks guys/girls/anything else you may be/ much love to you all.
  19. you will be missed
  20. 7
  21. 6.5
  22. 5.8
  23. 5.5 mill
  24. CHAZ 2.0

    WTB Tasers

    I have a mk1 taser and a mxm and my friend has a 115
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