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Jimmy Jarvis

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Everything posted by Jimmy Jarvis

  1. Doesn't mention how much gold, I wouldn't consider a backpack of 10 gold a successful fed
  2. So Federal Bomb Explosion Percentage = 41% Blackwater Bomb Explosion Percentage = 44% Only 42.5% of the time the bomb actually explodes, I wonder what the percentage of actual successful blackwaters and feds is
  3. First day back on the server and no challenge has been found both the APD and Gangs... Olympus has to step it up

    1. swrvy


      how dare you suggest that PLAGUE isn't the most mighty gang on olympus

  4. jesus christ those requirements
  5. All the fights are dead on this server because people got banned and then everyone that was left and consistently fought cartels joined one gang so it was literally a zerg of cartel fighters that jerked themselves off for being the best since every good gang had left.
  6. TI had suggested such a thing before from what we suggested it essentially works a little like the point system on grand theft arma's conflict zone from what the points come from I'm not too sure but whoever is in the top 3 of that list at the end of the week then gets rewards. Would provoke a lot more fights
  7. banned hahahaha o7 genghis khan some man

  8. Top 15 most satisfying moment's while getting vigi'd for 1.1mil https://gyazo.com/99048f2c1fe4660f83684fe22619efe8
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