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Everything posted by Brennan

  1. Don't know why it isn't listed on the donation page. I think @Poseidon is hiding something from us.
  2. http://olympus-entertainment.com/stats/?id=(playerID here) Bookmark that and it will load the stats page with the ID you appended to the URL in the box.
  3.  Happy day of plentiful status updates @Talindor

  4. Work days are slow when the forums aren't lit. :FeelsBad:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brennan


      3 minutes ago, Rusty said:

      mory said it all in one comment, nice.

      you trigger me


    3. Rusty


      good thats the whole point.

    4. SPBojo
  5. Could you link some of these threads showing the majority requesting big towers back?
  6. I hear "YayyaAAAAAAaaAAAa" and I click
  7. Why can't we just slap warning points onto people and hide specific replies? This seems like a much better solution than locking up whole posts. People either conform to the rules or get warning points and forum bans, while still allowing positive conversation to continue.
  8. Can confirm it was Muth So can I drink 20 red gull and just have the effect for an hour or is there a cap?
  9. Shout out to everyone who recommended them Astros. I got A50s for real cheap and they are god like. No more Vodafone headset for me. :Kappa:

  10. I spawned in, walked out of the HQ building. Then just pulled a car and drove away cause I was not dealing with that shit.
  11. @PoseidonDon't forget about the trello... I feel like it is being forgotten.

  12. The upscale is the same ratio, so it shouldn't look weird. It depends on the screen size though.
  13. Also, hate to break it to you, but the 1080 really isn't rated to be running most intensive games @ 4k on Ultra. With the GTX 1080, you can either truck Ultra at 60FPS/1080p or play on mid graphics at 60FPS/4k. Playing Ultra/4K, you will experience frame drops unless you are running SLI. Also, at this point, your CPU is a bottleneck to GPU. You should be able to run ArmA 3 @ 1080p on mostly Ultra. If you want to continue playing at 4k you are going to need to turn down the graphics settings for smooth FPS.
  14. I can confirm, 6700k is a god CPU.
  15. I subscribed, and it had my current email password from MyDigitalLife.info and @Mory Mango's minecraft account is on there.
  16. IIRC, All scopes used to be the same price around 10k. Then Poseidon reduced the price of scopes for cops, which accidentally did it for civs as well. This was then decided as a good price, and the other sights followed in price later.
  17. I bought these http://www.ebay.com/itm/391478751456 thanks for the help.
  18. What is the difference between the Astro A50 Gen 1 I could buy on ebay for $99 and these $300 ones?
  19. @Corporal_moob informed me a while back that I am using the same brand head phones as Vodafone's call centers (Plantronics). I do not feel comfortable with this and I would like to upgrade. Give me your best suggestions.
  20. August Goal

    Go Karts available for purchase
    Pilot Helmet available @ rebel shop

  21. *If you missed the deadline for the free upgrade: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility/windows10upgrade
  22. Do it !!! This doesn't make a difference, only the operating system files are affects. Do it.
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