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  1. @Childish Is the director.... Whut?
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/id/PopPopz/
  3. In my opinion, I wouldn't comp that much especially for the fact they lost nothing to me. It sounds just like a person who lost a diving suit and mk1 asking for a 600k comp. It's a bit unreasonable so you can practically just comp them a reasonable amount like 150k and make sure you have evidence that you gave respectable comp towards someone.
  4. o7 Hawk, I remember when you were both a Seargent and Support Team Lead. I also enjoyed your gearset in greenarrow's [ - ] <3
  5. I obviously have the best one here!
  6. Oof... Coffee with that mod. Oh no!

  7. Thermal NVGs for Medic rank Coordinator+ Let me guess... @Kyle Lake wanted that in
  8. +1, that is why I stay out of kav.. Impossible to process sometimes.
  9. 10/10 for those AK's Happy Birthday Hadi
  10. He would require suicide vests at all time (Soz hadi)
  11. You forgot to tell me my charges. REPORTED
  12. It's not that hard to warning shot without hitting them
  13. As long as you didn't hit the heli and all he did was hover instead of leave, then you're fine to shoot him out of the sky. This is reinforced by the rule here - If a person does not fly away after given warning shots, you may then open fire on them.
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