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House last won the day on March 8 2024

House had the most liked content!

About House

  • Birthday 02/21/1969

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    Your mom's house
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. New ban appeal in boys who thinks they will unban me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. silton


      Praying for you jimmy

    3. CaloomClark


      I will headshot you with bolt from 2 grids away

    4. Element_
  2. Someone unban me, I never cheated

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. silton


      @ House  the stats speak for themselves. 1st to 1000 deaths. A real legend of the game.



    3. House


      Some say I’m a legend for that 

    4. Frato



      free all the members staff don't want us on top

  3. could not believe it all day but it seems to be true. I will miss the late night valaront  banter. I will cherish the funny moments. you will be missed rest easy brother.

  4. GORILLA MODE PRE IS BEST i have the firefly lemonade it is not too bad. total war is shit used for a little had to hype my self up in the gym parking lot to drink it because it taste like shit
  5. House

    3x $5M Raffle

  6. happy birthday @ Siltonious Milton II hope you have a good day

  7. hhahaa you cant talk you got carried by bc for like 2 months
  8. Produce a screen blur (Haze/Fuzz) in smoke (stop)
  9. give me something
  10. + 1 I think it is not talked about enough
  11. give us more time to get player on the server the way @ DeadPool handled the server restart during the sy v tp fight was bad. he should have let us do 0 0 with even players would have been more fun for the players and the spectators.
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