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John Wayne

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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. @Poseidon can we get a way to disable viewing signatures in threads... theyre starting to become videos

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne


      I looked everywhere and couldn't find it

    3. Fedot


      Another Fix

      Delete CMD.exe from system32 

      Command MetaSignitue Deletion.exe

    4. The Pilot
  2. Point I forgot to mention is the other person and I were trying to have fun by saying that we were the other person but the cop insisted we weren't, he could've just issued each of us the others ticket but didn't want to play along, just straight to LIST and it was disappointing. you would've had to have been there but I'm done talking about it cause I've simply lost interest....
  3. Well there was two of us dressed exactly the same, both wearing racing helmets and I got spangled prior to be arrested so I said my helmet shouldn't come off unless a medic supervises because my skull could be fractured. They didn't want to waste any time bringing a medic.
  4. Yeah but it is the same as when your on cop rolling into an engagement and you know, because of the limitations of handbook, that your going into death. cop almost always gets shot at first, which is why you don't lose anything when you die. Sometimes you just have to play stupid to maintain role play ive tested some of the apd under scat names and they are horrible when it comes to negotiating, I didn't have a drivers license and the corporal told me he's going to run my name through the DMV... What's that going to do, I'm not in the department of motor vehicles and yet it was completely ignored and processing just continued. Incredibly disappointed and it's not like I'm doing the usual this mk18 is a walking stick with no firing pin used to shoot paintballs.
  5. haha potato pc
  6. I expect credit to this idea
  7. RIP Senior APD. Good luck Bubbaloo, one of the few old school cops still around
  8. I disagree, server3 burban was better than year ago. None of the originals were there, it was just randoms that played. ie majestic, huskers, etc. Cops actually didn't like to play on server3 because it was always cops vs civs and cops always lost because it was just POs with MXC's. Server1 was Exile, POTP, and there was some other gang Server2 was KI, Nerdz, BFO Server3 was just burban...so always cop vs civ
  9. https://gyazo.com/9acfde79476e1d53521a4f672a444cf8

    what the fuck is this, FED GATE 4??

    1. Fedot



    2. ToeKnee


      that's the new anti air thingy

    3. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      It was there all along oooo spooky

  10. that fatty ifrit sling tho
  11. Never let Gary fly your heli....



    1. ComradeGoonie
    2. Brennan


      lol you were so done when that heli hit the ground.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      In my defense you didnt show the sweet landing in the fed a few seconds before leading to the tail rotor getting the shaft.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ToeKnee


      this should be a post not a status update lol

    3. Fedot


      SHUT THE FUCK UP DUMB N*****, ALSO This needs an epicly timed Bass Drop

  13. I died in moonshine cartel yesterday. 3 medics were on and I clicked request medic many of times and never received any word or any revive. Add defibs so the medics can go revive the noobs and the rich players can revive themselves.
  14. I believe the issue isn't anything related to the medics quick response... its whether or not me sitting at my computer chair looking at a timer for 15 minutes is going to be worth it or not. Will the medic show up? Or wont he?
  15. HAHA crispyaaron legendary
  16. Alcohol leads to bad ideas....

    1. Vicious_Guinea_Pig


      Like you? - Just sayin'

    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      you cant even play a game of smite without crashing out

    3. Vicious_Guinea_Pig


      its working now bro lets play

  17. if your ban is 3 days then it takes 3 days to appeal. if your ban is 10 days then it takes 10 days to appeal. if your ban is perm then it takes perm days to appeal.
  18. guy told me he was a detective from stratus PD and hes doing an undercover job at mushroom processor. I get his badge number and take him to HQ to run his badge through the system to see if hes telling the truth. after talking to the helicopter terminal I run his 14 digit badge number that i wrote down and determine he was thrown out of the PD for taking bribes, drug distribution and murder. harpoon logged in at this point and picked up the RP perfectly when I asked him to identify the man since harpoon was part of the stratus police department as a cadet. he talked stories of being back in stratus as a cadet and confirmed the man was thrown out of the PD a couple years back. I sent the guy to jail to be deported back to stratus.
  19. talent system? na asylum has that so its immediately down voted.
  20. Never seen this happen to someone wanted for half a mil.
  21. Everyone hates the boss. But every place needs a boss. Alot of us want you back. #safereturn
  22. "It says your name above your head... idiot"
  23. thats because prewipe all they did was camp rebel and take their money
  24. #freepetemalloy #equalrights
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