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Everything posted by Christoph

  1. damm i just learnt i had this disabled XD 

    lets goooo

  2. https://gyazo.com/aec48d549bc3c0c1e1e951bc5dc4a4bb https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/antidepressants/ You might need this @Kyle Lake
  3. Not really because they see first hand what it is like for cops the positives and negatives.
  4. prefer a s1 or s2 moonshine house 3-4 crater {garage optional will pay more tho} or a abdera 3-4 crater {garage optional will pay more tho} If you have any other house willing to sell which is a 3-4 crater then do say as i will most likely buy them
  5. i would say 5 mill altogether
  6. looking for a moonshine house preferably with a garage near it
  7. how much you looking for
  8. Kavala house within 50m to square good view to shoot out of selling for a range between 5-10 mill 3 crater close to hospital server1
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