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Darren Nsonowa

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Everything posted by Darren Nsonowa

  1. 7.62 tasers or higher! shoot me offers for what guns
  2. Will the APD and Civilian armament be the same on Malden as it is on Altis?

  3. I'm guessing you mean two mill. If so, then in 24 hours if no offers are higher than this I will sell it to you for $2,000,000.
  4. https://prnt.sc/kgdt7e shoot me offers
  5. http://prntscr.com/kh3p0u Ghosthawk andd jeep dream is true.
  6. how much for the black T5 vest, black nato pilot helm and the black combat fatigues? Only one set. Maybe all of it if I have the funds.
  7. specs?
  8. newest within apd kneepadding memes



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryan


      Wow way to cut me out of this... :( 487225a27009a374522585c68664e3ae.png

    3. Darren Nsonowa

      Darren Nsonowa

      had to make it look like unattended deputies to make it better

    4. Jester


      And you gotta cut me out too man 

  9. will this jeep be edited to have rpg's full auto instead of the boring 5.56 lim?
  10. why tho
  11. fuck im retarded, i ment 0 crater. cant edit the post so i guess ill find out a lil sumthin
  12. 275m from pro hmu with offers, fits like 4 loadouts and 100 lockpicks. http://prntscr.com/kgdt7e
  13. Does the sacrifice have to be for a religious cause?
  14. hmmmm, 10 - 20? Between there maybe?
  15. Did you report the derputy for rule quoting then?
  16. My friend was sacrificed by tree and he was hella mad cuz he had some expensive ass loadout on him. I mean, unless the person is atleast 10% consenting it should be considered FailRP. Say I have a mar-10 and tree wants to have fun, decides to execute me with my mar-10 and i go cry in a corner for a few hours. that aint cool dawg
  17. how mush
  18. fourfiddy on dat mxm fivefiddy if yo can throw some mags in that
  19. ur funny arent u
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