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Canadian last won the day on August 22 2018

Canadian had the most liked content!


About Canadian

R&R Medic

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. selling Mar-10 tasers, 100k each. comes free with an rpg and t5 body armor
  2. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLpkdqgP/
  3. What happened to the racist, offensive, toxic Olympus I once played?
  4. Hi. I didn't ask
  5. Petition to rename Kavala to Minneapolis

  6. fuck you medic you selling "lamps"
  7. money is money
  8. nate higgers
  9. @Slumberjack @Zahzi add miniguns for ghosthawks?
  10. I miss kavala and rdm'ing fuckers like you.
  11. How are we supposed to downvote the next "add quilins" or "cops are op" posts, we cant call them retarded because somehow thats offensive.
  12. American schools get more action than warzone. Prove me wrong.
  13. Time to purge. Happy hunting
  14. @Papi Pods can you dupe warpoints?
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