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Everything posted by Mudiwa

  1. Mudiwa



  3. Sup motherfuckas Olympus's NUMBER ONE BLACK MAN IS BACK. in conclusion hide your wing money because i will rape you
  4. 5k

  6. +1 god bless the chief

  7. Epic gamer moment
  8. i propose we make a bill to get rid of these THOTS
  9. o7 brother, you will be missed, my friend. ill never forget how you warned me for posting pictures of magnificent people of color. Take it easy my friend and dont let life get to you.
  10. Nope dont wanna be scammed
  11. what a good dog
  12. imagine selling money
  13. I take money if yall wanna slide big boy a gift lmaoo
  14. good stuff boys
  15. Its a good way for people to communicate with me that have certain ideas they would like to see implemented. Discord can save peoples messages so i can review them later unlike teamspeak so its pretty useful.
  16. might have to cop
  17. o7 I will never forget you camping my PLAT shed and being extra toxic every day . I love u bro no homo take it ez
  18. Nope, as a matter of fact, he threatened to ban me if I didn't sell it because he's mentally handicapped and didn't check if someone had it lmao.
  19. u tryna cop? i made like 40m off this house alone then big man @rapidaax moved silver pro into my gangshed lmao.
  20. ill take it for 3m lol i just want it off my hands
  21. I'm selling my beloved silver house to the highest bidder im starting at 3m pic of it below https://gyazo.com/5366065afa2c1ea729e0ae3179a60da7 MAX STORAGE: 1500 virtual. 800 Physical Hope this house serves you just as much as it did me I made a solid 40m from it. It is also a great spawn i always run to rebel using it. BTW this is legit the only house in dp6 available at the moment thats good for silver and to store rebel gear.
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