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Everything posted by Pwnda

  1. pog rat on my stats page
  2. can't, just asking for offers atm to gauge market price
  3. more than 50 mil
  4. hacker just crashed everyone on s1 pog

  5. send offers
  6. how much would you pay for grandma gary's house on S1?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jaster


      Where is his house?

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      The contents of that house are not for ragged commoners. 


    4. DeadPool


      I am def not a ragged commoner. If anything im the jester that should have perm keys

  7. I need coke to rush kids when kavala scatting
  8. bump
  9. send dm
  10. Lost them when plays.tv shut down unfortunately @Bashar_Al_Assad
  11. Read title, I want to add to my collection of properties. Especially interested in the big boy houses, such as behind dmv and whoever owns corner atm house. Pic of houses interested in (if you know who owns these please @ them) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-5hCWK8r0M_QZ4hH5GMwGlTIr1QdcrZf/view?usp=sharing
  12. I was in PBC if you remember and when our gang war got heated I uploaded three different incidents of your gang members rdming and that included you.
  13. I will top that offer if you give me some proof my guy
  14. lmao I got you permed
  15. From? I need some proof to back that up
  16. Then list a starting price lmao @Adverx
  17. 3.5 mil
  18. Give legend or homosexual
  19. Pwnda

    WTS ghost hawk

    50 mil for rn
  20. 2k please im poor and need this to farm diamonds
  21. Ok everyone it's funny and all, but stop voting black
  22. not being racist i mean the colors
  23. Pwnda

    S1 Houses

    6 mil
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