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Everything posted by Virus1

  1. I scat infidels with my wallet. All day everyday.
  2. My best weapon is my voice because I am an APD officer.
  3. See I am not one of them! Please spread the word holy. Edit: Crap didnt see the disclaimer "And that's not even all of them, it's just the ones I was certain of". Guess I need another week off to keep ahead of detection Kappa.
  4. Woot. God of the Ban Hammer has returned!
  5. Troll Squad DreamTeam Snake - See below Blackflag - See above Honeybooboo - Biggest trash talker no competition Toe Knee - Salt mine King Crusader - Father was APD for 20 years. Sofia HQ I am not sure what my dream team would be. I have played with alot of good players over my time here and wouldnt want anyone to feel left out.
  6. http://i.gyazo.com/117df9749fc93b91ea4b0f8e784236f3.png = D3V1L (RIP) challenged me and now I have completed the challenge. More cop than civ time. Started at ~12k civ and 500 minutes cop.
    1. D3V1L


      Gratz! I knew you could do it :)

    2. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      Well it's way when you Jack your minutes ma'am comp or ban that

    3. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      Hack not Jack lol

  7. I think with medic being a white-listed slot and all, any issues with medics should be reported to their coordinators and they will be dealt with. It will be more effective than a jail sentence as well as the repercussions for acting up would be more severe.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Virus1


      Stop breaking gosh darn NLR Snake! Howd they let you get Lt you dont even know the rules!

    3. Zhi


      That was a joke. Don't take me too seriously.

    4. Bubba


      yeah seriously virus it's gotta stop

  8. Back from my vacation. Hide your money :D

  9. Merry Christmas! Don't forget to comp or ban

    1. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      Oh virus even during the holidays you hack my heart

    2. DeathDingo


      lol Merry Christmas

  10. I forgot we should just sit in cities 24/7 and never respond to civilian distress calls or just patrol for the fun of it. The idea of cop you are trying to portray here is firstly unrealistic and secondly not fun for anyone wanting to join/currently on the APD. There is a risk/reward to being a civilian or rebel. Your guns will kill automatically whereas we have strict rules on when lethals are authorized. With proper communication and teamwork this makes it very difficult for the cops; however most groups seem to lack this.
  11. I was one of them and I believe Derek was the other. Glad to see you turned your life around for your family!
  12. Looting bodies was taken out due to duping methods that people had found.
  13. Im pretty sure Mister Miracles (luke) loves him more than everyone combined.
  14. At this time I would like to apologize for what seems like my involvement. I am in no way affiliated with this gang.
  15. I thought it was quite funny even though it is against the rules. I wasnt in a position to stop it from happening but like the age old adage record and report if you want anything to happen.
  16. I have actually seen some vigis doing that in Kavala lately. Tazing and restraining people under 75k and dropping them in the water to die.
  17. Khem: "The admins and hackers are working together" Good to know guys.

    1. Thinbluline


      lol. That was an interesting night.

    2. zero the kitten

      zero the kitten

      i bet poseidon is hacking the servers.... no one would suspect him.

  18. I miss the old weed processor! Poseidon and Jendrak please
  19. it was past his bed time! He was starting to get cranky.
  20. Hands up or I'll loot!
  21. Cop grind starts tomorrow :)

    1. Dustin87


      Remind me not to play civ k

  22. And maybe processing at gang hideout #3
  23. There are striking similarities between the two posts though.
  24. I'm back :D

    1. SPBojo
    2. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      This scary mofo is back, all you people outside of Kavala PRAE to God he doesn't find you.

    3. Bobey


      da fug did you do m8

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