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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. Congrats fellow Canadian @ hawk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rafa


      Those ads are based off your search history 


    3. Fuzy


      Ads based off cookies. You've been getting into some edgy things there bud.

    4. Theory


      self exposed

  2. its not your time to leave yet good sir
  3. Thank you so much for making it so corps can call in air drops
  4. never seen it coming good shit @ David Miller

  5. O7 @ Millennium your not a furry btw hope your having a good Christmas 

  6. Gonna miss you giving me shit for being reported 20times but hope you have
  7. Never talked to you but 07 @ Fusionz

  8. Congrats @mcpooperson

    1. buckie


      Doctor doom doesn’t like you

  9. @ Noble has gone rouge and is abusing his furry mod powers to blow up the server and ban me and then delete my gun but @ Regal has saved the server from noble bless up

  10. Server bug where the door is open for some people and sometimes it’s closed it’s been happening recently
  11. battle eye kicked off 8 times and ive deleted battle eye and all that shit and it still don't work any fixes?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. buckie


      @ Raj from tech support  I emailed battle eye and alerted them to our furry problem. Waddles is next they are gone boys we got em 

    3. Lea


      Yeah steal another mk1 from me kid. 😎😝

  12. Im not a furry I was forced into this name by the furry leader MILLENNIUM

  13. Gave it to a man who microwaves his nuggets smh @ Masoooooooooon

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