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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. It doesn’t even play the sever anymore all this information is useless
  2. Need some people later to join us on some garticphone.com its a good time

  3. back when I was a po https://gyazo.com/fe1aaec9cb5578b3c44ade4301a55e3d
  4. 10-4 checkpoint has been breached


    1. Benne


      clash 101 how to get hrs

    2. Clashingtin


      We stopped so many poeple man there wasn’t a single afk hour spent at this check point 

    3. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      Being the medic of the checkpoint is my favorite way to afk hours

  5. will buy your claymore for 1million dollars someone needs to die @ Kyle .......
  6. Literally scammed me asked for an ak bp and bro gave me a custom smg @ Benne how much for those 2 rooks?
  7. You guys even added nuke in infected sick 

  8. Congrats @ SPBojo  hope your a good corp

    1. SPBojo


      yeahhh about that


      thanks clash 💝

  9. Goodmorning to everyone expect anyone that drank coffee

    1. stayclaxxy


      *except, and I drink my cup of dark roast no sugar no cream no milk every morning and it’s very tasty

    2. 555555555
  10. Bro why do you have a picture of me in my underwear I didn’t realize I had a stalker
  11. Happy birthday @ Grandma Gary thsnks for all the fun times in the bed room

  12. Didn’t you already o7 like a month ago
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