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Everything posted by Claysive

  1. Day number two of requesting the retarded prop + sound to be removed from medic..

  2. Remove the prop + sound when reviving a player. No one asked for that.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Claysive


      It's still not a necessary change. It is aids. @ nicole

      If it sticks, which it should not, at least give the option to disable the sound. 

    3. Skys


      i like it gives me immersion 

    4. N9ne


      my sneak revive gameplay just went downhill

  3. When a medic begins reviving a dead player it will spawn a defibrillator prop and play a sound on the prop that can be heard within 100 meters
  4. She knows, but a 'Big John is a pedo' joke never gets old.
  5. As far as shitposting goes, this one is actually pretty good.
  6. Cause mean man give eranks back. The eranks of someone else really upset me. oogga booggaa arma real life.
  7. You mean all this got stirred up by a pedo?
  8. You guys are getting off topic with this ghawk nonsense, let's get back to the real topic... Fuck Sr APD.
  9. Hey man, someone has to do it. I don’t play anymore but I do get bored at work and these posts make for good content.
  10. Unless things have changed in the time since I left, I can pretty much guarantee you that no sr staff gives a shit enough to help cover anything up. They may simply not give a shit about whatever is you are complaining about, but they aren't actively working to cover some arma conspiracy up.
  11. I didn't enjoy it either. But this might be the wrong thread for that. Anyways, @ Headless for chief!
  12. You're preaching to the wrong person here. @ Ryan doesn't even log on.
  13. Sounds like an Olympus player.
  14. Yeah, fuck you @ David Miller CLEARLY Sr Admins have a say in what happens on the server…
  15. #neverforget 


  16. If they are as bad as those 480p reports you use to submit, I hope they didn't pay much.
  17. Run bro. Get far away from this black hole.
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