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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob

  1. Prepare yourselves for upcoming No. 6 Manslaughter montage. Feat. OG Clips.

  2. And I thought playing the Recorder and Keyboard very poorly in school made me good at music
  3. Can we get an "Unban Conan" up in this bitch? It's been 11 months people, 11 months on NLR. Let him ruin me whilst on cop once again.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Conan


      Thank you for clearing it up for everyone Moob, it was a much harsher punishment system back then haha. Hope to join you guys on the server soon.

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I don't know you Conan, but everyone deserves a second chance.  Are you Conan the destroyer? 

  4. Seconds feel like minutes, minutes feel like hours, hours feel like days when you have to sit here with no PC

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Shouldn't have spliced and diced your cables, you infantile pillock. You reap what you sow.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Was it not just a graphics card, processor and RAM?  How could you mess that up?!

    4. Thomas


      Wow porn is really important to this guy

  5. All hail the great Hades, all knowing and all non-bias.
  6. Hades was possibly the Best admin the server had. No offence intended to the others' but he refused to allow himself other personal ties so he wouldn't be seen as bias, he let his time on the server be degraded, or less enjoyable if you want to put it this way, so others may enjoy themselves, so there's little you can blame on Hades, I greatly both Respect and miss him here, I couldn't imagine the amount of times he must've felt like blowing his brains out must not even be funny. All hail the great Hades.
  7. Oh, so they finally came to the senses and got rid of him, it's getting boring having to watch his lackeys try and poke holes in everything. It's been obvious for at least 2 months. In terms of his playing skill, 3 Nips or 3 Rip in the words of the famous rapper/street poet, "Went from 0 to 100 real quick"
  8. So, it seems my computer has De_Dusted itself whilst fitting my parts, so I'm out of action for now ETA on return Tuesday earliest, latest Friday. Enjoy the safety while you can Olympus. ~ Mub.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fugi


      nonono we all know its not milk when he watching all that porn :D 

    3. SKIM


      0.o true true

    4. Grandma Gary
  9. I'd make a big ''I'M GONA MIS U BUD'' post. But we both know we'd end up just smashing each other. Good luck.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dejay


      Rusty you probably got the young, you're so laggy, headglitcher, or wow you are going to take credit for that, you are holding a tower excuse

    3. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      this post is 5 hours old guess im a little late but what just happend at 6:30 est at athira no meta intended i killed 8 mc ? stolle all your money m98 where is go doe

    4. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      m8 2 freshies with Rooks, Plus, I wouldn't be laughing yet bud.

  10. Even the worst of Verbal ''Smashing Foes'' will show respect. Olympus is a community, and we're sorry for the loss of someones close friend. Can understand the feeling. MC Sends their regards.
  11. Doesn't really apply to that. Might wanna read up on those. Because that doesn't define failed. By that logic I can taze a freshspawn, stand on his body, taze him again, and then when he gets up, just kill him?
  12. ''He puts his hands up, you steal his cloths, guns, hat, money, his porn in his wallet'' ~ Ace    Who the fuck keeps Porn in their wallet? only in Tennessee.

    1. theycallmepaw


      i live in tenn. and i watch porn on computer like normal people. dont label the whole state for the actions of 1

  13. waow.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Dustin87


      The jihad shit is stupid.

    3. SPBojo


      says the guy who got sent to chuch school or someshit for yelling "allah akbar", good job babe

    4. Dustin87
  14. Day 385, I turned to the page Clemenza said to, and there was just a massive Penis drawn on the page.

  15. Pre-wipe, $9.8m, After-wipe $4.6m Until it was RIP'ed by Virus 2 minutes before reset. Was the highest bounty at the time.
  16. Prettyyyyyyyyyy sure that few if ANY had anything on my ''Stepping down from the APD'' Thread.
  17. This thread is disappointing in comparison to my ''Stepping down from APD'' Thread, that was the equivalent to the great fire of London in terms of what it did to the forums.
  18. >> .CZ << Note the ''CZ'' Never click ANY link that has .CZ / .RU / .FR You will confirmed lose all your skins... And you're credit card details will probably be sold to Korean Gangsters.
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