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Everything posted by Coconut

  1. Hahah this meme has succeed to the max. Since alot of people bitching why vigi this and that i just want to see how many people will go ape shit on this. @CocoisDead you should know me better then anyone lol
  2. Should Vigi have light and a siren like cops? Green light though or red and yellow light in there vehicle?
  3. @AmericanWaffle That is a lie sir. I called in for help in pygros and you never came and you where on O.o
  4. When will this take effect?
  5. Hey thank for trying though for real that would have been awesome.
  6. @Zahzi hey so we rob an apd orca and went to chop shop and tried to claim it. It did not do anything. is there a bug?
  7. He was lucky that he was on my side XD
  8. lol not with that squeaky voice you wont
  9. Because Birb you prob shoot yourself in the foot if you have a gun. That why it a no.
  10. Love this update. Finally medic going to be fun again thank @Zahzi
  11. @Zahzi so wondering about something if we can claim apd hatchback and claim it and that it turn into a vandal. I just want to make sure does it do that same can we claim APD orca or it just a skin in general?
  12. Have you tried to hop into your channel then edit it? if your in another channel you can not edit it.
  13. Coconut for the prize win. @Shades @GluxDesigns Vote for me and get me those prizes lol
  14. Buy money damn. And for go picking the field and earn honest money i rather get the dirty money from the bank or rob people on the field fast cash.
  15. @Zahzi Came in with that ban hammer XD
  16. 30 mil
  17. Haha just think before you do things next time man. Again already said it. Your a good medic but think things through before bursting. I had my fair share of denied but you know what I just kept apply again and again. You can continue this path that you are doing now but it wont help you in the near future. Hopefully you take my advice if not it you bud. Anyway i'm out yall have a good one.
  18. Good job son for spelling my name right.
  19. and no wonder you could never be sr. RnR cant even spell a person name right. How is this man still a medic?
  20. Haha dont be so salty
  21. First time i see @Richard showing any kind of sympathy lol. If i was a sr. RnR i would denied him too for being a brat. But my time for the tag about to run out but it has been a pleasure @Richard @Claysive @Slumberjack @Lime See yall around homies keep up the good work.
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