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Everything posted by Teejay

  1. how many pilot covs and how much
  2. Get arms cartel and they are 1.5m from rebel
  3. ill sell you one
  4. How come noone in staff responds to DM'S?

    1. Outcast


      Post on their profile lol

    2. Teejay


      thanks for the heads up.

  5. its a trap https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197979854574/home
  6. Offer
  7. Nvm on this.
  8. Like the Title Says, Let me know how much
  9. Teejay

    Selling Tasers

    Price on the 15 of the 115
  10. Im Glad you did something useful with your live. your mom will be proud fag.
  11. Did anyone get caught? Is it safe to play?
  12. Fuck the cops! and fuck royal for cheating all the time
  13. Maybe Because im a newbie i cant do that, because i have done that exact thing over and over. thanks for the help though
  14. Fuzz, i found the area but when i put the url it wont show when i post stuff, like where you have she thought it was my cock. i want the profile banner to be there
  15. Can Anybody point me in the right direction. Thanks
  16. APD memebers are just money Hungry Piglets, couldnt make it as vigi's so they put in there app for the APD.
  17. Well here is another Reference for you, making a reply of some bullshit like this doesnt make you cool nerd.
  18. Thanks, but the hard work has been done, on my ticket is a list of items owed to me, just need a admin on to deliver these items.
  19. Aww Sugar Pie Thanks
  20. Been Waiting in This TS Channel for the last couple days and havent heard a cricket in the room, did the admins go on vacation? Every time i ask if a admin is on i get the "Generic" Response "No"......
  21. Yo Grandma I sent you a PM.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fuzz^


      Nah its  all  good just tryna help u admins usually dont like when  you bug them after sending a message putting in a ban appeal ect.

    3. Teejay


      All Good i appreciate it, Just irritated 20 mil worth of items disappear from my house for no reason, and i cant get a single response about it

    4. Fuzz^


      Probably something  to talk to jesse about. hes usually your man for that one. If they werent duped you will be fine :) 

  22. Teejay

    WTS items

    Price on Mx's
  23. I used the house and garage for oil and cocaine, looking for offers. Thanks
  24. Like the title Says, offer. Thanks
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