Tim Jacob
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Everything posted by Tim Jacob
Your response is exactly what I expected you to say, this is amazing. A list of allegations with NO evidence or fact to support any of them. "This man has pure “white power” written all over him. His useless wall is evidence of the bullshit he tries to sell." This response has no examples of trump being racist or promoting white power. Here is a quote from President Trump. ""In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy." He takes stand AGAINST racism and white supremacy. Please provide me EVIDENCE of him promoting white power, or sit the fuck down and quit being a bubaloo buretard. A wall between USA and Mexico is NOT racist. Please explain to me how a wall is racist, or how increased security is racist. The fact remains that it is not and you are watching way too much of the news and not doing any thinking yourself. "His fight against immigrants. Legal and illegal." Please provide me evidence of him fighting LEGAL immigration. Well no fucking shit he doesn't support ILLEGAL immigration, are you really this dull? "The display of public racism has been more rampant around the USA ever since that man got his presidency. He encourages that with his tweeting. He is showing America’s true colors. " Please explain this. Are you referring to people supporting a wall "public racism"? Give me examples that support an increase in public racsim. Let me guess, "DURR IN MY PERSONAL DURR EXPERIENCE DURR I SEE DURRRRRR MORE MEAN RACIST PEOPLE DURRRRRRRR". You literally haven't backed a SINGLE allegation you have posted about him. Again, a wall is not in any way, shape, or form racist. I look forward to your response on this specifically because I do not think this holds ANY weight at all and is just an ignorant response. "His fight against the women of color in congress (one who is American-from Puerto Rico) . " Give me examples that support this claim, and do not leave motive up to interpretation. You are attributing motive to everything President Trump does without facts/evidence to support your claims. You WANT to believe he is racist, so you attribute all his actions to be about race. You WANT to believe he is sexist, so you attribute all his actions to be about sex. Again, you fail to support any claims (that with evidence would destroy him) by providing evidence.
I am also waiting on evidence of racism. I love how you throw that word around with absolutely no justification. If you are going to call someone racist be ready to immediately defend and prove your claim.
The way it is being spun, of us being in terrible danger and it not being any part natural, and that we can easily manipulate climate change with trillions of dollars and your election vote is a hoax. There I made his truncated statement make more sense for you special friend. Now focus your attention back to your left where your favorite window to lick is located.
There is a ton of dispute about climate change wtf are you talking about. No communities agree on it. Most theories predict different effects procuring along different time frames and coming from different causes. What do you think climate change will cause and when exactly? What will be the main cause of this? What should we have done that would have prevented this?
It’s hard to believe in spending a trillion dollars on programs to prevent something that no scientific communities can agree upon what causes it or even whether it exists or not.
B i g G a y
Glad you didn’t forget to be a faggot, although I really don’t think you have the power to do otherwise you beta male dolt... that should do I suppose
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Can we do something bout dreamkiller lmfao
Tim Jacob replied to Dox | Cheeky Narco 's topic in General Chit-Chat
I don’t even know how to respond to this to be honest, let me grab my cat and have him run on top of my keyboard so he can make some statements as dumb as what you’ve said so far. ssddnssoeksjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn there we are -
Can we do something bout dreamkiller lmfao
Tim Jacob replied to Dox | Cheeky Narco 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Fuck cops they are actual cancer, but between cancer and faggotry I would choose cancer 10/10 times you no life crybaby beta male. You are the epitome of why it should be illegal for gay couples to adopt as they raise little hoes like you. Go ask your two dads for a better computer so you can record and get off my forum. -
Can we do something bout dreamkiller lmfao
Tim Jacob replied to Dox | Cheeky Narco 's topic in General Chit-Chat
Don’t worry @SecTranLive and @Messy I got this. Ok listen here you faggot pussy libtard millennial hipster tree hugging marshmallow fuck, nobody cares about your feelings here, pull your balls out of your chest and get the fuck over it you post-op genderqueer snowflake -
This server gets passed around more than @IM LAGGING's mom
how long does it usually take for workers to look over ban appeals?
Tim Jacob replied to [ID] kiwi 's topic in General Chit-Chat
You piped two people in restraints on purpose, good luck appealing that. -
PSA - PLEASE READ - hacked cash/hacking etc.
Tim Jacob replied to MAV 's topic in Updates & Announcements
How is this relevant to whether the issue was handled well or not? Are you agreeing that it was handled poorly, but justifying it by saying it’s ok because they are just volunteering their time? I do not care whether they are volunteering or not, I care about results and accountability. as for the rest of your babble, I care about LEADERSHIP taking accountability of not controlling this situation fast enough. As Rex said, if they knew it was going to last this long they would have acted differently. The discussion ends there. When the original poster pointed a finger at the community he was absolutely wrong. It was well known that if the money was left on the server, it would be misused, and it would cause chaos. Nothing about this was handled well by OS. People being wrongfully and randomly banned to find the hacker, constant threat against the community while the cash and war points were in the game, and relatively slow response to all aspects of the issue. Was I banned? No. Did I use money? No. Am I tired of Olympus never taking ownership of things? Yes. Also, thanks for the free plug to my twitch but I don’t stream anymore. I would ask you to sub but it would be better for you to use the $ on another bag of potato chips you sweaty excuse of a sack of meat. You had to ask permission to reply to my post? How pathetic are you, so please get off my post you pencil dicked beta make. -
PSA - PLEASE READ - hacked cash/hacking etc.
Tim Jacob replied to MAV 's topic in Updates & Announcements
Adding things to the list is fine, so long as things are getting crossed out. Continuously failing to provide anything but take more $$ and make more promises is the issue. Olympus is becoming a Arma III content pyramid scheme at this point. Stop adding things to a list you can’t keep up with, it is very deceiving to people who are paying Olympus’ bills. Nobody accepted a bag of guns willingly. You are upset at the people who spent them, but Olympus is more comparable to the criminal who handed the guns to everyone than the hero who comes and takes them away. You knew what was going to happen when you didn’t take immediate action on the $$ and warpoints put into the economy. You knew people were going to spend it, yet you leave the servers up. You took action to ban people for spending it, yet you left it in the economy. You fell right into the trap of this hacker and punished people who had NO control over getting the “bag of guns” handed to them in the first place. Again, the issue is between Olympus’ lack of procedure when shit goes down and a 14 year old dickhead. Stop trying to push the focus onto the collateral damage and take ownership of the issue that wasn’t dealt with fast enough, causing chaos. -
PSA - PLEASE READ - hacked cash/hacking etc.
Tim Jacob replied to MAV 's topic in Updates & Announcements
You are right I don’t know anything about running a business. I will take notes from you though. Let’s see.. 1. promise investors new product and continuously fail to provide it. Then, after this tell the investors that decide to ask about said product they need to wait over and over again, and complain about how the employees who develop this don’t get paid. Fail to take ownership of the businesses failure to produce, but gladly continue to accept more investments with more promises. 2. When somebody hacks your business make sure you blame the customers of your business, because it does so much good to do that! Try to push as much accountability of negative things back on to your customers, and tell anybody who disagrees with your businesses operating procedures that they are a meme. Can you continue the list for me please @rapidaax? what Olympus needs is a purge of useless people from their staff, starting with Rapidaxx, commonly known to being NOTHING useful to a discussion. -
PSA - PLEASE READ - hacked cash/hacking etc.
Tim Jacob replied to MAV 's topic in Updates & Announcements
I am the dense retard? Did I allow this to happen? No, you as Olympus did. Don’t give a fat kid candy and not expect him to eat it you dolt. Get the fuck off my post. -
PSA - PLEASE READ - hacked cash/hacking etc.
Tim Jacob replied to MAV 's topic in Updates & Announcements
If you many of the members of the community didn't try and snake the money and hide it, we wouldn't need this. If those folks were honest, issue could be fixed in just a few hours.. not take days, weeks to track the money. So yes, some none hacking community members forced our hand... we know we have things to fix on our end, but wouldn't have to come to this if money in some cases didn't exchange 10+ peoples hands before finally stopping. Yet again your lack of logic is baffling. Who was stupid enough to hire you as the voice of reason for anything. TAKE OWNERSHIP OF THE ROLLBACK. The issue I have is that your stance is that the rollback is happening because people laundered the money. How did that happen? How did it take so long to ban a teenager? Why did you not INSTANTLY roll back after he was banned? OLYMPUS left the $$ in the economy for a long enough amount of time, and the servers stayed up, for anyone to take advantage of it. Again, that comes back to OLYMPUS’ lack of action that caused issues. How about instead of expecting a comminity to follow SOP’s in a situation like this, which is a completely utopian idea that WILL NOT EVER WORK, update your own SOP’s for a situation like this to yield CONTROLLABLE results. You are not in control of people trying to launder the $$, but you are in control of allowing them the opprotunity. This is all happening because of Olympus and a hacker, not any part of the community. -
PSA - PLEASE READ - hacked cash/hacking etc.
Tim Jacob replied to MAV 's topic in Updates & Announcements
“Unfortunately, some of the community members are to blame for this need by trying to 'beat the system' and launder the cash. If everyone followed the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) below we wouldn't have to do this, we could easily remove the cash and move on.“ Really? You are blaming the community for a rollback? It is no wonder why a 14 year old can destroy your staff for such a long amount of time when this is the retarded bullshittery your reprisentitives spew. Take ownership of the rollback. You were unable to stop a hacker MULTIPLE times across multiple servers. The comminity following SOP’s?? This is your statement of why the rollback is happening?? Are you fucking dull? If this is the solution to stopping the server from rolling back next time this kid does it just turn the servers off and don’t bother turning them back on you fucking monkeys. -
Removing cop would be a legal case against Olympus for discrimation based on sexual preference, as we all know only faggots play cop Kappa