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Everything posted by GhostFace

  1. you need to come back bro! need my duo again!
  2. holy shit @Qasim and @ryan beck are alive what de fuk
    1. Tacosmell


      tfw you come back 3 minutes later with a new heli

    2. Revise


      is that why you came back 2 minutes later and started shooting us

    3. GhostFace


      i didnt shoot though like i told taco. i didnt shoot until a good 40 mins later. when i landed at blackmarket.

  3. when you tell @Haylzz to rush with you and he sits in the building


  4. unblacklist from R&R @Isaac Newton @CommanderSuki
  5. well after 14 hours and $200 in gas im almost completely moved into my new house!

    1. Linka


      congratulations bro

  6. my wife. and my job (sorta)
  7. you sir are not an OG. Kindly go fuck yourself and quit referring to yourself as an OG you imposter
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GhostFace


      @draMa bitch im bouncing between plat and gold so eat my ass fatty!

    3. drama


      I’ll come out of retirement when you get to champ 1 @GhostFace

    4. GhostFace


      thats what i like to hear!

  8. found another ghostface in game lawl


    1. RogueMK


      What's your blizzard app tag? I'm getting BO4 over weekend 

  10. just met the boy white irl. now to stream black ops 4.


  11. honestly best part of the fight. was the ending when he jumped outta the octagon! other then that zzzzz

    1. Ebzekro


      Round 2, Khabib Smashing Conor's face in. Also his decision to not break his arm and beat him up some more. Cocky mofo ain't dancing in the ring now. Lets go

  12. i'll gladly invite them in and show them how much of a Satanist i am
  13. Bronze Hanzo Top Tier Gameplay!

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