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Everything posted by jig

  1. o7 @ ThatNerdyGuy . Thanks for leaking to me I was getting sgt a week before. Enjoy your life.
  2. remove PO cmr's and bring back corp type-115, gun collects dust in the weapon shop.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TeXx


      Replace the cmr with adr for pos 🥸

    3. silton


      sAPD giving away type for T3 vests will forever the strangest thing I've seen

    4. Cale


      bring back PO promets, give corps type and only t2 vests

  3. not taking a side here but why the fuck is it literally only @ billdroid and @ Orbit defending the APD. SR APD these days are so useless its crazy. Brandyn only one contributing
  4. happy birthday kyle shay @ kyle shay  oops i mean @ Xlax

  5. R.I.P wheels up in 5, she was special

     @ Hatchbacks

    1. Olsson


      This is what gambling does to a mf 💀

  6. @admins unrestrict nelson from the forums its his birthday man!

  7. no kavala redzone with big towers. what a shitty april fools update

  8. this is my year. Ryan please give me more money
  10. buying armed hurons I want them all

    1. billdroid


      My good friend skys is actually selling give an offer

  11. my name is jig and i smoked a ghosthawk in a powerline. i am washed.

    1. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Could of been worse, you could of got tazed by 1 bullet with a p07 200m away 

    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      KCE conducted a review of the situation as jig is one of our top pilots turns out the crash was due to a faulty sensor in the cabin that stated the ghost hawk would clear the power lines 

      Kids college enterprises is doing a recall on all ghosthawks to fix this issue please transfer them to me for repair

  12. ats sold and 3 hawks are on auction house for 37.5 mil each. @ Saul Goodman
  13. offer will give a good deal if you buy all
  14. 37 mil and admins cant do middlemans no more lmao
  15. @ Hatchbacks  we'll be giving his Owner speech. He is running for Owner. Details coming soon. MOGA Nelson 2024.

  16. i would be so rich if i never gambled


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mudiwa


      damn jigga u should just be like me

    3. Clashingtin
    4. Cale


      I lost billions on coin flips for sure, they never tracked for the longest time. I remember I went from 5 -120 mil in 15 mins, won 5 coinflips in a row and then lost the 100mil coinflip.

  17. hands up or die by nelson this engagement lasts for 1 week so watch out 

  18. Happy birthday old man @ Winters I have one request free hatchbacks. He is a reformed individual.

  19. Welcome to Toxic Corrupt Cancer Community!
  20. OMG my favorite man in the whole world PARKER BROOKS!!! fuck u sandman
  21.  bring back uncapped bettings @ Ryan  @ Mako  @ Fraali

  22. i lose 30 mil at casino i switch my bet to black once lose it all then do 100k spins and it hits red 9 times in a row and would have had 100mil

    1. -dante-


      I never really gambled til recently but 10m bets on back has a like 75 winning percentage for me. @ Clashingtin bet 5 mil and lost right next to me and I bet another 10 mil on black and hit. I even loaned that mfer money cuz I KNEW he’d lose. Bro can’t gamble 

    2. jig


      i made him have the addiction ur welcome

    3. Lucien


      Should have thrown some down on green

  23. title says it all
  24. @ Hurricane in traffic at walmart!

    Walmart traffic jam : r/funny

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brandyn


      Gale Lewis was hurricanes supervisor for sure

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      seems you ran into @ T o b y  on his trip to the US

    4. Hurricane


      2 years later and still in your head rent free

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