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Everything posted by Masonn

  1. Thanks @Fraali and @Headless for actually opening S3 due to the s1/s2 issues with conquest

  2. Despawn script on S1 is fucked btw

  3. Rules were like this in the old gang wars which was fine for the majority of people and from the sounds of it your gang isn't wanting to play anyways and it seems to be only you guys having issues with the current rules set out. Also nobody should be trying to look into peoples personal files etc so your search history for arthritis cream shouldn't be touched.
  4. literally just reworded from last gang wars Do you not think it's a good idea to require recording or smth?
  5. Merry Christmas lads

  6. Masonn


    Yeah I expect a cut
  7. Acting entitled to a unban after cheating? Personally I think if you get caught cheating you should never be unbanned
  8. Chapter 11: New Life Rule If you die for any reason apart from dying by a Arma bug you may not return to that area for 15 minutes. (1 Kilometer from where you died) Exception: When killed on the Warzone Island or at any cartel NLR will not apply. Exception: When lethaled by cops at Rebel Outposts, NLR does NOT apply. APD may return to legal areas after death as they see fit. (This is to simulate the size of an actual police force) If APD die in an illegal area they are to return in waves. (Described more in detail in the APD Handbook) Exception: Bank events are exempt from wave rule. R&R must wait 15 minutes to return to an area if killed by not following directives. (Within reason, more details in R&R Handbook) Just a additional rule which Asylum doesn't have. Sometimes it will favour you if your robbing someone and then on the other hand it will be a pain if you're getting robbed.
  9. was hoping no one saw I fat fingered enter by accident
  10. One of the big difference from Asylum to Olympus is the NLR or that was one of the main things for me when I switched from Asylum to Olympus I find Asylum is behind the ball on every other server and not just Olympus development wise. It really depends what your looking to do E:G Cartel fights, Kavala ratting or general scatting A large part of why I switched from Asylum to Olympus was how it's more community ran E:G Olympus has a civilian council which focuses on 5 main points of gameplay filled by multiple people from different gangs which they can bring up any issues for which players run into where I think Asylum recently introduced a feature which has like 2 random players to bring player concerns to them or something like that? Don't even know if they went through with that and if so no clue who they appointed.
  11. You could try direct connecting with the IP Server 1: os1.olympus-entertainment.com OR Server 2: os2.olympus-entertainment.com OR Pretty sure these are right
  12. /removesnowflakes

  13. Damn doing the boy like that. He was young and confused OK
  14. Just paid my house tax for the first time can confirm bigger scam than the casino

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Rossco


      2 hours ago, Tech said:

      496,800 every 30 days

      Which is ridiculous btw

    3. Tech


      ok fine its nerfed now lol

    4. Masonn


      I'll be expecting a tax refund @Tech 😄 

  15. o7 you were one of the chill guys I liked playing with in gang wars and made it fun
  16. Top sector I believe (the one with the two blown up domes as the central points)
  17. Was fun feel like the A point was too far away from everything though so just meant alot of people hiding and back capping it. Also feel like if your looking to buff money you should do it per 10m into the pot the server puts like 2-3M which rewards more fighting etc.
  18. Can we get some player events like demo derby etc? Feel like there's not been any in ages.

    1. MarveL


      Do them big staff member @Masoooooooooon

    2. Monks


      Moderator mason should do them

    3. Lex yo

      Lex yo

      @Claysive stop roleplaying and do events

  19. ^^ some people won't stick about if it goes to 10k points and then money gets split amongst more people and then you get people reeeeing about money since it's being split amongst more people
  20. So Xlax was banned for a global ban and then openly made and sold cheats and used said cheats on the server and got unbanned.

    Meanwhile CRH is still banned because of a ban on a koth server who don't provide any evidence why they ban people. Am I missing something here?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. jig


      not saying crh shouldnt be unbanned i think he should and he is now but xlax should also be unbanned and he is

    3. Masonn


      ? This wasn't to complain about Xlax getting unbanned? It was to put in perspective the level of what the two were banned for. Whether or not I agree or disagree isn't relevant. Just was stupid seeing someone who has done much worse get unbanned and CRH couldn't even get a reply on his ban

    4. Lucien


      free bat free ved free pfc jake all the homies framed 

  21. Roll on cyber Monday so I can finally get above 30 fps in a conquest

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