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Senior Admin
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Everything posted by Masonn

  1. I typically don't comment on these sort of post since it's just a "omg how they get these must be staff abuse or duping" without any actual thought because it's much easier to get the pitchforks out but the amount of misinformation and jumping to conclusions is quite insane here and quite frankly I know I'm not one of the people who are part of the issue as practically nothing has changed in the stuff I use for gear from before and after staff. Few fun facts: 1. The person from aegis on the scrap duping list was actually not Monster 2. The list of people who did do the dupe was seen by the majority of the staff team (or at least those who paid any attention ) pretty hard to cover it up. 3. I currently have 3381 staff points between designer and admin which would equal up to 50,175 warpoints or 57 ghosthawks but I choose not to use them or spawn in money as it would kill the game for myself along with it not being the reason I joined staff, main reason I even applied was because I didn't want to be the guy complaining about how things were going whilst doing nothing myself. 4. Any report against or made by someone I'm in a gang with or friends with I just let another staff member deal with it not because I'm bias but because it just gives a bad image as anything I do with the report will be perceived as bias no matter what. Also the whole staff shouldn't be doing what any other player could do on the server is pretty insane to me. You do realise everyone prior to getting staff was also another person just wanting to play the server, whilst we're here to help most of us still want to play with our friends like we did prior to staff and quite sad that so many people forget that we also are here to have fun on a game.
  2. Happy birthday @ Ryan  @ Lucien  @ Lucien  Maybe if your lucky you might get a forehead picture today 😄

    1. Lucien


      I miss seeing your forehead everyday 😞

    2. Ryan


      Thank you! 🙂 

  3. @ codeYeTi  pristine raid on heroin pro today pal 😄

    (All victims of the accident were comped 😄 )

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      hes been on a rampage recently destroying lives


    2. Karma


      the hellcat incident too.... someone take his license 


  4. Dear Strae, I hope this message finds you well!. I wanted to take a moment to express my genuine sentiment regarding your decision to resign from your position. I want you to know that I am truly sorry to see you go. Over the time we have worked together, you have consistently displayed professionalism, dedication, and a remarkable skill set. Your contributions to the team and the organization as a whole have been invaluable, and your presence will be greatly missed. It's always challenging when a valued member of the team decides to move on to new opportunities. However, I understand that personal and professional growth often leads us down different paths. While I may feel a sense of loss at this moment, I also believe in embracing change and embracing the next chapter of your career with enthusiasm. Please know that the impact you have made on our team will not be forgotten. Your hard work, expertise, and positive attitude have left an indelible mark, and I am grateful for the time we have had the privilege to work together. As you embark on this new adventure, I have no doubt that you will achieve great success. Your talent, determination, and dedication will undoubtedly open doors and create exciting opportunities. I sincerely hope that your future endeavors exceed your expectations and bring you fulfillment and happiness. If there is anything I can do to support you during this transition, whether it's providing a reference, offering guidance, or simply being a listening ear, please don't hesitate to reach out. Your professional well-being is important to me, even beyond your time with our organization. Once again, I want to express my deepest appreciation for your contributions and wish you the very best in all your future endeavors. Our team will undoubtedly feel your absence, but we are also excited to witness the impact you will make wherever you go. Thank you for everything, and please stay in touch. Warm regards,
  5. Hey guys why is everyone just looking and not commenting? fuck @ Winters
  6. Senior SWAT's been in shambles since I left as well smh
  7. Why are you speaking about yourself in the 3rd person lmao. Hopefully you find something better to do with your life at some point because quite frankly this is sad as fuck. Enjoy making another forums account for probably the 5th time this week you pyscho.
  8. So hard to just choose one.
  9. Like I said don't agree with the way it was handled in terms of an event but based on logs there doesn't seem to be any other groups who was dying to TP during the time other than yourself (honestly looks like you died before the revives were happening) and the other group which from what I've seen were pretty happy about the situation. If you're going to complain about something at least give correct facts.
  10. Whilst I don't agree with the way things were handled with that event just based on your lower comments you're blowing it out of proportion as just from looking at logs it was not admin revives for hours like you claim and only done during a relatively small period of time. For what it's worth I'm pretty sure @ Xlax realises the issues with how it was done and how it can be perceived but all in all nobody outside of yourself (checked logs) was effected if your wanting comp for the 1 loadout you used during this time just let me know and that can be sorted. From an outside view it seems Xlax was trying create some warzone fun during a lower population time and expected nobody to be coming into warzone. Not saying that's an ok thing to do with just a secluded selection of people but there doesn't seem to be any bad intentions with it. overall yes it was scuffed but honestly there's much worse things what happen.
  11. @ Decimus seems like something you would like to look into
  12. They get a tracking red circle for the cop who starts the warrant. Only the cop who starts the warrant is able to see the circle so there's a good chance you could come across some cops who aren't aware you're currently being tracked by a warrant. Ah circle might be blue not 100% sure @ Zeuse wouldn't let me do the warrant much as best way to do it is draw circles on the map and apparently my circles were not circle enough
  13. @ destruct @ David Miller @ Grandma Gary I'm still pretty sure it's going to be a no but one of these guys should be able to clarify
  14. These ain't no allegations these be straight facts. He told me he snagged a pair of her socks so big W.
  15. I hope everyone but @ Poon has a good day today 🙂

  16. "Hey man having some issues with the tutorial"

  17. @ monster  @ ViiRuS
    No match for Dog the bounty hunter

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Farrel
    3. ViiRuS


      ^ as you can see me dead in the picture above, we do not lose. 

    4. monster


      2v5 at pharma for easily 10 waves and still made it to 200%, what you know about that?

  18. Unfortunately @ i strangle geese and I don't always have time to do ERP in game.
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