taxi was made originally for a few select people who really only rpd as taxi drivers with that said there are set rules here are some
Taxi Driver vehicles are not to be stolen
This is not effective while inside a red/illegal zone
If you or a passenger attempt to engage in a hostile manner towards another player then the Taxi is no longer immune to being stolen.
This simply means if you are flying someone around and they attempt to engage and kill/rob/hostage take another player your vehicle can then be stolen.
If you are defending yourself from someone who has engaged on you first then it can not be stolen.
Taxi drivers may be robbed of anything they have on their person or inside their vehicle.
If instructed to unlock a vehicle, unlock it so the person may take any goods out of it but the vehicle can still not be stolen.
If you refuse to unlock it for the purpose of letting a player steal the items then your vehicle may be picked and stolen.
While "On-Duty" Taxi drivers may not partake in hostage taking or robbing others
This also means you can not get someone and take them to another group to become a hostage willingly.
If while driving someone, a group states to pull over so they can take the person hostage, you may abide by the demands to preserve your own life.
You must inform the passenger why you are pulling over.
Taxi drivers may issue a fee for driving a player from Point A to Point B
The driver can receive this money before the drive if they wish but the price & place must be agreed upon first
Once paid the Taxi driver must take the person to the agreed upon place.
Taxi drivers are not to issue any fess unless they are giving a ride to a person and a fee amount has been agreed upon first..
On-Duty is effective when a person is using a Taxi Skinned vehicle.