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Everything posted by 555555555

  1. HAAAAAAAAAAAAH never son im not one of those fatasses that sit in towns
  2. nig fuck Vigis. My inactive ass is getting on tonight for this
  3. @Slumberjackcalled me his favorite CIV yay
  4. Excuse me but WHY THE FUCK is Anxiety on the list ? LMAO THOSE KIDS GET WIPED EVERYTIME lol
  5. I only keep emeralds,doubloons,amethyst & moonshine. It takes longer but you make a sweet amount of money
  6. 555555555


    Go to Support > New request > Department > APD Application > Alt+F4
  7. Shit all this nibbas talkin lmao they dont want no smoke

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 555555555


      @mon5t3r oy fanboy get off my dick or i wont be payin child support to yo momma anymore

    3. monster
    4. 555555555
  8. The only legal run i do is salvaging,but i only do it when im stoned to the bone and cant play properly so i dont risk being jumped by someone so yea,if u dont wanna get killed or ure just stoned go salvaging
  9. Seeing u always drive iftits thru kavala so i had a wish to rdm u so i had to vote lmao... Lets not forget when i stole medic's vehicle just so i can vdm you in an ifrit lmao..i call that D E D I C A T I O N xd Fuck yea we will,cuz we can abooooze our medic power and see where hes at when hes on medic... Mhm,from now on,whenever im on medic imma have me a titan and a rook on me just for Kyle
  10. 555555555


    @NigWardlook this retard is dippin
  11. Nibba that crack does yu good huuuuuh?
  12. I just came here to say get rekt and fuck .exe lmao
  13. Grammar error? Ion give a shit im just sayin,ya dig?
  14. My man i have suggestion for you.. Try smoking crack,it will make your epoints sadness go away...
  15. Just another topic that proves how retarded cops are lmao
  16. wHo GiVeS a ShIt yOu CrAcKhEaD ? ? ! ? ? ! ? ?
  17. There is 3 things you should know 1. This server has the worst RP u will ever see,it's basically a server for people to go around,kill each other and do shit like that. 2. Cops are OP as fuck and they recruit any kid that reads their stupid handbook. 3. Cops don't give a fuck about RP and they break rules alot cuz they're protected.
  18. Well,i feel him. He changed and he isn't like what he used to,and i honestly did far worse things then he did and yet nobody hates,i beat the shit out of my EX cuz she cheated,currently im on house arrest for attempted murder(stabbed some junkie 3 times in the neck),but yet,anyone can change and become a better person,and that's exactly what X did
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