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  1. You have 24 hours to come over to archetype and suck my cock before i slap your wife with it!!!
  2. Fuck Olympus and fuck the SAPD this is my resignation. Goat the new chief just memes in forums and all SAPD do aswell, Im going to Archetype! FIX YOUR FUCKING SERVER AND GET GOOD ADMINS!!!! Fuck DB, those fucking apes just control the server!!!
  3. Selling
  4. DMS
  5. Thanks for everything Ryan you handle most on my comp request and are always on it, awesome to have staff that work and care for the players! 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. eggmasta


      Alright I checked, and it's just Ryan's alt account

    3. Mercury



      @Ryan Got them Lox and Schmear? Counting your Shekels?

    4. Ryan


      Can confirm no transactions have been made for this post. Appreciate the kind words my guy :)  Happy to help!

  6. FUCK YOU SUKI, Your a shitty admin and a shitty person


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jimmy Jones
    3. proud


      not an admin but ok

    4. CommanderSuki


      Lol im not and have never been a admin or a staff member but ill probably Jack of later i guess that counts as fucking my self or my hand.

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