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Jerrod last won the day on January 17

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About Jerrod

  • Birthday 09/20/2004

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  1. The problem with the American Christian Church is the fact that the false gospel is preached a lot, and people are deceived by it. The only way Jesus comes into your life is if you truly accept him, and turn from your wicked ways, our Lord is just and will not show you the light if you apologize and go back to living a life of sin a day later. I am sorry if you were under the impression that Jesus forgives no matter what, because he does not, you must be genuine in your repentance which means sacrificing all the amazing pleasures we get from sin, and turning to the Lord and Savior and asking him to give you new desires and to love righteousness rather than the wicked ways that you used to live in. I was also a victim of idolatry and I believed that our Lord was some snuggly cuddly God that always let us break his Law and he loved us so much that he didn't care. Like I said, I am very sorry if this was your impression of who our Lord is, as many of us are deceived by the teachings of preachers who wont spread the True Gospel and instead they preach what makes them popular. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Jerrod


      Bruh you need to stop caring about what the world thinks about you and find Jesus. 

    3. gaz


      You need to stop thinking that a sky person cares about you

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