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Jerry Timbers

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  1. Nigga idk and idc why everyone started down voting u, but what I am concerned about is some BW reject saying no competition, like go hop back onto mcgregors cock lmaooooo u fuckin crooked lip idiot
  2. @bdj safe to say no one likes u and ur lispy retarded self, so how about fuck off and go back to ur speech lessons with mcgregor u twat
  3. Shut up u lispy retard, God u got urself hated on this community aswell cuz u joined some shitty asylum gang and think ur some hot shit Hey, Proud here, thought I should make a swift reappearance to shut u the fuck up. I’ve hardly read this but ur ego is just getting to u because of mr Connor mcgregor the bald headed kid who tells girls about his arma career. U used to be such a niced little mouth sprinkler until the gang ur in now, so how about u shut the fuck up and quit talking shit to the community who made u and go suck off mcgregor some more cuz that’s all u explicit idiots seem to do. I already made that mistake, and seems that ur following in my footsteps Also don’t say there’s no competition, we wipe u more then u wipe ur monitor of all the drool, u fucking monkey, and as a moderator Ryan once said, rope.
  4. For anyone who is wondering https://gyazo.com/7865d667a4f6278bb063568e7e74415d 


  5. I leave with u being admin and I come back for a second and ur a senior developer; wtf did I miss

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jerry Timbers

      Jerry Timbers

      Mr Ryan I am sorry to say but I DONT BELIEVE YOU!!

    3. N7Zero


      "@Ignis is lowkey the secret owner and peter schlong is the puppet!"

      spread this so we expose them!

    4. iPopsicle
  6. Happy bday @hawk

    ~Your favorite, Proud

    1. hawk


      Where's @Savage:Kappa: Thanks Proud :)

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