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Everything posted by NameIess

  1. hm for the ifirt smokes?
  2. Congrats @ GST . Well deserved 

    1. GST


      Thank you mate! Really appreciate it dude!

  3. NameIess


    o7 man. You better still be around in ts or Im gonna castrate you
  4. Lmao the ego you have is crazy. This is the only thing of urs I have commented on. You have been the one commenting on all of my shit. Sit down and be humble, freak
  5. Man u have made like 4 post about this. Monster is really in your head rent free
  6. @ billydakid  I knew u were gonna fucking do that. Enjoy the free 3 mill lmao

  7. Im pretty sure it was to just match the same gun prices that are on S1 but I could be wrong
  8. Its really funny that you think anyone would take the opinion of some kav shitter that kills new players for enjoyment. You might actually have fun on the server if you left kavala instead of complaining on the forms about something so stupid and false. If you need proof that Walt is already a great community manager then look at all the downvotes you now have. The fact that majority of the community already likes him makes him a good community manager. Give him time, he just got the promotion.
  9. The forms drama goes crazy

  10. LETS GOO @ Xlax . You just keep moving up. Congrats, well deserved. 

  11. @ WALT  @ Masonn Congrats to both of you. Very good promotions. 

    o7 @ destruct

  12. Up until recently I have thought Winters was a great Chief. I know Winters has done a lot for the APD in his time as Chief. I have heard from many people that he does a lot behind the scenes and I feel he has made some great changes. But now it is getting to the point where 90% of the APD faction doesn't even know what he sounds like. How can someone lead a faction but leave an example of never playing. In my opinion, he needs to try and interact with the Jr APD every now and again or he needs to step down. I get that life gets in the way but its been a year since he has played the server. I hate to sound like one of the "REMOVE WINTERS NOWWWWWW" guys but I do feel like he needs to be a little more present in the APD. It makes it hard for Jr APD to want to strive to do better and play the server frequently when their own Chief doesn't play at all. I have only ever been a PO in the APD and don't have much knowledge on the situation so my opinion here might be stupid but I thought I would share it anyways.
  13. Man is apparently a menace. I constantly hear about his "exploits" from people coming into support
  14. CONGRATS @ WALT Well deserved 

    1. WALT


      Thanks Nameless

  15. Its kinda late but congrats to @ Xlax out here speed running staff. Also congrats to @ Decimus well deserved. 

  16. It's a run that can be completely afked with almost no risk so I don't see a buff ever happening
  17. 100% was using esp for the past few weeks. He wasnt very good at hiding it
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