NGL Revenge I'm glad u put one of my videos on your post because like @SPBojo said I have to report you as well for combat logging / rdm / and exploiting. I'm not trying to be mean here but every single time I run into you you break a rule and then call us out for hacking when we tell you otherwise. You legit need to look over the rules again because half the stuff you did I'm surprised you haven't been permed yet by other people. You legit alt f4ed on me when I tazed you and then when u reconnected you ask why you were in jail and then you said I hacked you into it. That's not how it works my guy.
I'll leave you with 1 piece of advice.
Server Rules - Olympus Entertainment (
Also the reason you were banned was because you rdmed me. You never engaged me. The smoke that was thrown was all the way at gas station down the road over 1km away. You didn't engage on Fefe you didn't engage on the antrox kid who you also rdmed. Then when I drove up you shot me with no engagement. You legit rdmed 3 people without saying a word. One last fact you can't just shoot someone who and I quote," I'm killing him because he came with a gun at the end of the video. " That's rdm my guy. You can't shoot someone just because they have a gun. If this was the case hundreds of Kavala rdmers need to be unbanned right now.