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Everything posted by virus

  1. let’s talk about someone needing awareness

    me: active in gym, work 1 month a year and am financially stable, live rent free, goes clubbing most weekends

    you: 95 pounds and buys cheats on video games in 2024

    lock the fuck in lil bro

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      “I love coming in kids like you” - Lukie 

    3. proud


      @ doubleueyeceekay  you have a video of me being 16 years old saved to your pc and you jerk off to it daily, the real pedophiles are you and ur group of faggot trannys🤡

    4. nicole
  2. u think i can take someone to town in it?
  3. biggest dupe was facilitated by @ Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup
  4. free brazil keep fanta banned though

    1. FaNTa-


      what the fuck are you talking about the favela? motherfucker 

      one day type-57 will return...

    2. Pombo


      The Favela will come back someday just wait...

  5. never fail to show how much of a retard you are @ Mighty

  6. civs still cant use cop garages
  7. stretched res for arma is dumb
  8. Cops have HQs more defendable than the fed and BW but you cant have a house with no door in a HQ smh.
  9. bring back wetsuit csat #FUCKMAKO
  10. I always test aircraft by seeing how many backflips can be done. Not RVD.
  11. free big john

  12. good shit monomer
  13. is the redburger safe again?

    1. Weaz


      only 1 way to find out

  14. too many mk1s not enough mar10 and 50 cals.
  15. tried to buy mar10 taser and dude logged off after giving him the money. dont buy from this guy
  16. cheat to quit and cant last a year without arma 😂

  17. olympus staff finally stopped smoking dick. n1 @ WALT

    1. WALT


      Appreciate it Virus, means a lot.

  18. staff team smoking cock and balls

  19. still cant say [REDACTED] without your post getting deleted. #RemoveMighty

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Millennium


      If it is about the person I am thinking of that is why he is permed @ Mighty  (or so I was told)

    3. Mighty


      @ Millennium  like I said. That info is kept above me… While he has gone off the deep, I still stand by none of you should be leaking each others info. Just play the game 🙂

    4. Jazzy


      @ Mighty bro you sound like an sjw gremlin, get off the PC for a bit your moderation duties on the forums are not important 

  20. please help find @mighty a new owner! The recent removal of GOAT from the server has left him helpless. 😞 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karma


      @ TapTap is this some kind of slavery 

    3. Doc


      How the tables have turned 

    4. Skys


      mighty is taptap's sex pig

  21. bullshit
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