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i win

Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by i win

  1. @Bloodmoon can you take care of these for me? Satchels in the usual spot.
  2. Some of them. I'm thinking a slight bit of miscommunication, nothing that can't be fixed. I can guarentee no matter what the Vigis wont be happy, but really apart from Verbal threats and firing within city limits, a lot of these others make sense at complete license removals. If a normal civilian would have his weapon seized for the same crime, a Vigi should have his weapon and license seized too.
  3. I respectfully disagree, Vigis doing dumb shit with their gear/abilities should be punished. You want to do dumb shit? Rebel is cool I guess.
  4. There is a single charge that downtiering should be a thing on, and that's Drug Possession. Nothing else. @Mr GOAT I haven't looked yet, but assuming these guys aren't bullshitting - this was not what was discussed and might need a couple of tweaks lmfao.
  5. I didn't see that one but that's hilarious. That charge was always for just randomly shooting at shit though, right? As long as you have a legitimate reason to taze someone you're good.
  6. We're in here reading too btw, happy to respond to questions in here while we have some attention to your issue. This is how it should have been for months btw, when we originally added down tiering for Vigis, we're basically just correcting things with this one. That's a fairly easy comp request though if anything happens because of it.
  7. I'm wondering where you ran into him and what direction he was going.
  8. No.
  9. Saw some stuff related to that recently, can't tell you exactly when.
  10. Remember these are upcoming changes and additions - some of these will take some time to implement. Civilian Roundtable Cartels Move House cap to OG Heroin @swervy https://i.imgur.com/Jxv2eGE.png (x marks the spot) Add a spawn to Therisa and add the usual town NPCs (Market, General Store, etc) @swervy Scats Driving a medic vehicle that was unlocked is no longer bannable @Millennium Everyone loves joyriding. Runs Add the green SPAR-16 and SPAR-16s to Rebel @Raquese Still unable to purchase 150-round magazines without warpoints. Vigis Add the SPAR-16GL variant to tier 4 vigilantes and allow the purchase of smoke grenades @Soap del Mar Still unable to purchase 150-round magazines without warpoints. Smokes cost 5-10k each. Feds Remove Blackwater jump spots @Bloodmoon Slam tower and the exploit at the south-west tower. General Reintroduce the rainbow CSAT uniform @Zahzi really liked this uniform, I can't imagine why. APD Roundtable Add Armed Jeep rules to handbook Old rule set, High Value Targets are able to be engaged with the Armed Jeep. Update ticket guide with new Vigi license seizing guidelines Add LIM for LT+ Same cost as the civilian LIM. Armed Huron for LT+ People in the back must follow hawk rules before shooting. Gang members caught in a situation count as keyholders to a gang vehicle If a player would give PC as a keyholder in a situation, PC is given on any gang vehicle in the situation. Add marker to map when a APD member dies showing the location Exactly the same as the civilian version. R&R Roundtable Add Multiple Spawn points to every hospital Move Pyrgos R&R Boat shop outside of Jail rings Staff Roundtable Staff Runs Pain Killers Usable when you have broken legs, to be able to run immediately Hotkey like Redgulls Price 10k, consumable on use Weighs 2 Staff APD Vest changes @Civak Tier 5 - Chief of Police, Dep. Chief, Retired Chief Tier 4 - Senior Staff Chief, Lieutenant, Sergeant Tier 3 - Staff Sergeant Tier 2 - Corporal, Patrol Officer Tier1 - Deputy Reduce available APD whitelisted slots to 20 from 25 @Trimorphious Remove cop lethal roleplay text @Mako Staff Feds Remove telos tower jump spot @Trimorphious Remove mk18, mk1, p90, ak12, spar16/17 from Blackwater loot pool Staff General Add 1% betting tax @Civak Betting out of game is against server rules War menu stays open for ending wars the same as it does for requesting wars @Outcast Delete key displays in a hint format what was deleted and how far from it you were @Mako You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:
  11. i win


    18m? You sure you're not selling a Ghosthawk?
  12. Just for banks? There are other office buildings, this could easily have been worded to only include banks if that was your intention. Was there something up with bank balance that you would like to correct?
  13. As a rule of thumb, I don't add extra stuff to the rules I'm trying to skirt
  14. Deputy below a deer stand at an active Fed, "APD, leave the deer stand or be restrained!", little shit runs up spamming shfit+r for the memes. Noooooooooooo
  15. Remember these are upcoming changes and additions - some of these will take some time to implement. Cartels More conquest tweaks @Zahzi Two warpoints per kill on conquest Conquest Kills count towards your warkills stat Arms disabled during conquest Scats Lethal Injection virtual item to use on dead players, forcing them to respawn @Raquese Costs ~250k Runs Unbind the paired drugs market and instead have a "whole market" system for both illegal and legal materials @ScuWoop @Creepy @Zahzi For example: You drop the meth market by $2000, every other illegal drug is buffed by $1000 up to it's maximum. Vigis Obstruct blindfolded player's vision more (make vision when blindfolded darker) @duanty_lake_23 Feds Add a dopamine truck to the Blackwater vehicle pool @Bloodmoon Allows players to get dope at the vehicle https://i.imgur.com/3OJ50X4.png Secondary vehicle spawn for non-combat vehicles, seperate low spawn chance. General Civilian council title color #931d79 @Zahzi Staff Roundtable Add tanks to admin event spawn menu @ThatNerdyGuy You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:
  16. That sure does look... Oh DB, nah he's innocent.
  17. same
  18. If it's bad, we'll look at it again for sure. You still have the ability to disregard the shots and revive anyway, but you understand the risks when doing so.
  19. So this isn't an o7 post? I don't think I've ever been more disappointed.
  20. Remember these are upcoming changes and additions - some of these will take some time to implement. Cartels Conquest tweaks @swervy / @Mr Majestic No medics in conquest. Vigi tasers are lethal. Two rebels per zone, helps fix the bottleneck there and at the closest capture point. Lock the closest chop shop during the conquest event. Reduce the respawn timer at conquest rebels Vehicles not occupied a few minutes after the end of a conquest event automatically despawn @Mr Majestic Scats Repairing a vehicle always fully repairs it if you have a tool kit, you can use the service stations to repair vehicles you do not own @Bloodmoon Runs Running around to gather materials and ingredients @Mr Majestic 10% faster picking if you're running around Standard DP missions buffed by 20% @Mr Majestic Vigis Add filters to the Wanted List @Bignegus Allow the sorting of the wanted list by bounty amount, alphabetically as it is now and possibly adding a search function. Add more Vigilante Titles for total number of arrests, proposals below. @Soap del Mar 300 - Vigi Scum 400 - Secret Service 500 - Black, Red, and Sweaty 600 - Boba Fett 750 - Still not a Cop APD Roundtable Remove the cooldown on armed plane teargas smoke; can now drop all 6 smoke at a time Lethals only inside the Conquest event when chasing someone in Add Gold, Chrome and Gloss finish to APD skins for undercover/bait vehicles 10 minute timer before being able to start a Bank after a Federal event finishes Notifications for lights on/off, same as sirens R&R Roundtable Half money for Adv paramedic windows key impound @Childish Staff Roundtable Add MXc to rebel outpost for $50k @Cyanide Reduce TRG21 and MK20c price to $40k Remove Mk-18s from cops @destruct / @PURE P.K Medics can receive warning shots in helis outside of redzones - may be revisited in the future if this is being abused @Mako You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:
  21. I'd love to send you some clips but each one is 5-6gb each, no easy way for me to get these to you
  22. Great, exactly how the civilian council is designed to work. Community members suggest the idea, council members advocate for the idea, idea gets implemented. We started @ing those who advocate for the ideas so there was some responsibility attached.
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