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Everything posted by Ducky

  1. I can already hear how toxic this will be
  2. Biggest fake better in Olympus

  3. Happy birthday dumdum:bender-dance:

  4. Ai yi yi. This is so toxic lmao
  5. I just wanna fucking play the damn game lmao.
  6. Welp I'm kinda new (Only been here for a couple months) and I realized I never made an introduction so fuck it I said, I'll just make one. Hi, I'm Ducky, usually known as the usually tipsy/drunk idiot that's always crashing into walls and needs a revive, or the other non stop gas station robber! I'm usually under the influence if I play, not too bad just enough to make it more enjoyable because honesltly it can get mad boring when you're playing by yourself. So if you like to play drunk arma as well, def let me know because there needs to be an army of drunk people just rolling around. I'm always down to play most the time, unless of course I am sleeping, had a drink too many the previous day, or sick. Bottom line if I'm on steam I'll be playing something. But if you see me around feel free to say hi or message me, I love to make new friends and just chill out.
  7. Howdy diddly neighborino
  8. Being chased by the cops until I kill myself from crashing
  9. Ducky


    say what now
  10. Ducky


    Is it called stinky cheese
  11. Ducky


  12. Ducky


    Anyone know how many cheeses there are. I'm just curious, like..... there's a lot of cheeses.
  13. Well I'll be on the lookout LMAO, and it's ok my kd is 20/130 I think
  14. What server? Tf lmao
  15. https://discord.gg/WsTXvG Just made a discord for this :')
  16. If anyone is down to play drunk arma tonight message me for a discord :'D This should either go really good or really bad lol.
  17. Ayo FACK you (Hope this is the right vigi scum shrimp fisher)


    1. Ducky


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