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Everything posted by Monks

  1. Mad cuz bad, lol jk i verymuch agree that bank is op. My gang (Obv) have over a 90 percent win rate of 3 vault banks that we do where we do all 3 vaults in a row. Currently the only way cops can beat us is with a ghawk and even thats not definitly gonna win it. Personally i think i very big change would be to move PD closer and maybe have a map waypoint showing which bank is being robbed so cops actually know which one to go after. Definitly needs more work than what has been said.
  2. This should be harrassment
  3. Nice ez self promoting lmao
  4. I'm not trying to copy Viper with his Olympus montage (although i am a big fan of them) but i want to practice my editing with some of your guys clips bc im shid at the game and can't get my own. So if you guys want to send me some good clips of your fights on olympus (doesn't have to be on cap) i'll throw them together and make a lil montage and post it on the forums. Soooo send me some content!
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  5. Gas Station desks no longer simulated/movable Excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK. Your telling me that i did a completely successful bank and got no money but THIS is more important? Smh #medicrights
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198363785655/
  7. Damn so its even more crazy now? Sry for the aged post im bored on a roadtrip so im just scrolling through the forums lol
  8. Why the fuck am i not suprised that your setup looks like that lmao @Grego
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