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Everything posted by ChillX

  1. Aye, Nice on the admin man, grats

  2. Give me a price and ill pay
  3. uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  4. lol
    1. ChillX
    2. Ushanka


      imagine getting 40 frames at airport -_-

    3. ChillX


      @Ushanka that was my friends vid, I get a god 160 at airport on 12000 so idk what ur on about

  5. ChillX


    My favorite part was the ChrisGG one
  6. I mean, I agree kinda but theres not getting rid of it
  7. Bohemia b like,                                             Its a joke

  8. The ghost of olympus is rising....
  9. Why are u so fucking gay @M0N5T3R

    1. monster


      why aren't you?

    2. ChillX


      Facts lets join the lgbtq+, we need protection @M0N5T3R

  10. I mean I didn't really have a prob with you but u were kinda dicky wit sapd
  11. Does chrisGG think hes sum like edge lord or something with his new pfp or something, its a arma 3 forum not some edge king forum and those banners? like wtf chief of police and admin btw, idk why he just makes me mad.
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