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About chubs

  • Birthday 07/03/2004

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  • Olympus Gang
    Leave No Trace
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  1. wheres my 500k
  2. chubs

    WTS AK-12 Tazer

    Check DMs
  3. WTB DP17 Garage, check dms.
  4. chubs

    WTS AK-12 Tazer

    Offer is still up, previous buyer flaked.
  5. chubs

    WTS AK-12 Tazer

    Check DMs before I goto bed cutie
  6. My last AK-12 tazer holds a very special place in my heart so you better send some good offers. Its 7.62 and works w/ drum mags. Also selling MX tazers for you broke bitches looking to buy a cheap one. Lmk.
  7. you mean as in the hellcats gecko with maneuverability tier 4
  8. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198180436731/
  9. The vigilante grind is definitely much harder than the cop grind. APD have a bunch of rules and in-game mechanics in place that make it a fighting faction essentially. Plus as a vigilante you've gotta watch out for the stupidest shit because one small slip-up someone like Keith the cop will come and reset you back a tier. The two are barely comparable and shouldn't be grouped together when it comes to arrest reward reductions. The only people making significant bank off the role are tier 4 vigilantes who definitely deserve as it's hard to successfully do runs and they've grinded so long for it.
  10. Vote yes if you like men sexually.
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