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Everything posted by Paved

  1. Bump
  2. Yooo @ N9ne nice global ban bro!

    Get good or get game banned I guess? hahaha https://steamcommunity.com/id/SmileAndBeHappy_/

  3. Not a big fan of having 2 capture points 200-300 meters away from each other.
  4. Good stuff How about Chernarus?
  5. Yeah I understand that but people abuse this in conquests. They spangle you, circle you, then try to rip you once you hop into driver seating going like 2-3 mph in your ifrit. I just don't agree with the intentional swerving into people to spangle them and getting an advantage from doing so.
  6. "Use common sense, don't spangle for an advantage." Examples of not VDM Spangling a player that is shooting at you as a last resort (life or death), then leaving the area to let them reset before engaging You're telling me that spangling a player shooting at you doesn't give you an advantage?.... The irony.
  7. Nice I will make sure to run over every single person that I deem a threat to me!
  8. Paved

    o7 gents

  9. Roll back the server or else you will feel the wrath of my brother tony mozzarella's  packets.

  10. Nice conquest update fucking morons

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Not as often as you judging from how upset you get at a dead video game ^_^

       Has your ickle temper calmed down yet?

    3. Paved


      @Grandma Gary

      Heard the family dog attacked your balls when you were a child so that's why you never fully went through puberty, confirm or deny?

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Childish insults, how quaint.  You big mean poo poo head.

      Though I gotta admit someone using correct punctuation is a refreshing turn of events ^_^

  11. Paved


    pm @c0zza on the forums for more help if you can't reach c0zza, then try and contact Coral Thank you
  12. sign me up leader!!
  13. Selling 1k War Points

  14. Selling 2k War Points HMU

    1. Cale


      sounds good bruhTEDjoe3005

    2. Lucien
  15. unban @Zurph already zzZZ

  16. blow me
  17. bump
  18. Msg or Post
  19. @MASVIDAL smallest EU brain to date

    1. Drippp


      Facts but you are also smallest NA brain


    3. N7Zero
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