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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. Fedot

    Hello All!

    Do you have that Copied Somewhere
  2. Sadly I've done this AMD 7990 i7 4770 WINDOWS 7 In Game Design world all Objects are referred to as Polygons, Also i Rapidly hit 12 so probs I swear he was a willing Kavala Citizen
  3. "Peta": since new update you cannot check licences on cop
  4. Not Sure you understand the Multi Pictures is ther to show that the Polygons are flipping shit
  5. http://i.imgur.com/Jk3c1xb.jpg http://i.imgur.com/6G5dTEu.jpg http://i.imgur.com/eC8F52n.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xNkLr9y.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ld0Uptz.jpg http://i.imgur.com/P4pMdzr.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tKGyypv.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GyXSaT9.jpg http://r06u3.com/error.gif
  6. Note: EeHRxRq.png DIS IS GOODIDEA

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fedot



    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      G-SUS Fedot. Your grammar "skillz" deletes my brain cells. 

    4. ComradeGoonie


      Wat  iz gramar bubby: Im  gud and sometime best estate at speling? I c ' an  ot  spel u anidaay

  7. I read " you cant not" and my brain Blue Screened and i went cross eyed
  8. When is stats update coming out @Poseidon :Kappa:

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


    2. Fedot


      12 units to be exact, Old Units != New units; Die();

  9. That moment when you burn yourself and it looks like a fucking penis....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fedot


      lol gave that hot thang the chlamydia 

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      So if I'm understanding this right you made a bet and you won the bet and the bets terms where if you win you burn yourself on a hotplate?  wtf did you have to do if you lost!?

    4. Fedot


      It was stupid game of Pain tolerance, I kept all my fingers on a Hotplate (My secret is i have no feeling in my left fingers lel) i won 200 bucks. things id do for 200$

  10. I think i fixed stats page, Msg me if anybody has any issue

  11. Umm Stats broke.... Blame Poseidon

  12. Source of Signature and Avatar? WHO IS DAT Also I Dun't like clicking weebly links, DAT SKETCHY
  13. I'm Entering on behalf of some players Each new line is a different ticket: "Fedot White", "Officer White", "[CROOK] Fedot White", "[CROOK] Fedot", "Darius LeQuan", "DickMuncher", "xXxAngelxXx", "Darius McNuggets", "[TPF] Fedot White", "[MC] Fedot", "RainbowBunchies", "CockBlock V2.0", "Whoopty Whoot", "Little Good Adam", "[MC] Abuse", "Poor Adal", "[APD] Fedot", "Fedot", "Officer Boom", "FeeDoot", "[DB] Fedot 8==D", "<DB> Fedot <\/DB>", "< Fedot >", "F3D0T", "[DB] Fedot", "[BUSH] Fedot", "[TPF] Fedot", "A Duck goes Moo", "Muffin Quack", "Quack Quack Cracker", "Kavala Scrub", "Jopple321", ". ", "Lieutenant Fedot", "Dev That Does Nothing", "User-PC", "Dev that is Developing", "Dont Raid me Bro", "Piggie", "[OS] ImNotStaffButYeah", "Moms Spaghetti", "King Fedot of Kavala", "SUC DEEZ NUTS", "I TOTES DEV", "I RDM", "I HACK COPS", "API", "Jopple123", "Kevin Mofafa", "dardie", "UNBAN FEDOT 2K16", "Player 2", "GOT WEED", "Kavala King", "Huron wrecking ball", "[Prae] G_I_JOE ", "[Prae]G_I_JOE ", "Banned by Admin", "Dont Shoot", "DjWolf", "[Medic] Not a Medic" ],
  14. VGozLPH.png

    The Eco Update fucked shit up

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Marty


      Inflation for the win

      O, i bought a house so i could get gold from christmas trees if i remember correctly

    3. Fedot


      Do you track this by your self? You do realize i have all this data for 90 days

      @Grandma Gary Yeah I relize its there but now its too easy

    4. Marty


      ya, i do. I only started it recently so the data before mid-January isn't completely exact; i used the http://r06u3.com/api/player/ to try to get those numbers

      ya, i do. I only started it recently so the data before mid-January isn't completely exact; i used the http://r06u3.com/api/player/<player> to try to get those numbers

      oops accidentally posted twice

  15. Instructions Unclear got Buffalo stuck in asshole
  16. That moment when it's been snowing for 2 months straight and still only have a dusting #ForumLogic

    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      I'd rather weather be consistently one thing than going up and down in temperature like it is here. Curse you El Niño

  17. Yeah so Illegal runs will be harder and legal runs will be protected by the apd
  18. What brand hot sauce do you use?
  19. That's the Point? Less Economy... More Robbing not everybody should be rich af
  20. Large Gangs should be banned from using Side.... IE the bitching is cray, i dont bitch in side alot i just MSG spam the fuck outta dem

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RogueMK


      buts thats where 80% of peoples skills are

    3. Fedot


      @Bow it's only funny when i'm there to make it worse and entice salt

    4. Bow


      See, I'm only trying to help everyone by making them pissed in side. The most pissed they are, the more salt they produce, the more money they could be making at the salt trader. :)

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