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Status Updates posted by Fedot

  1. I'll see everybody when work frees me.

    1. QKSILVR73


      no you won't see me I'll be sleeping


  3. They Fucked it up! Jurassic World SUCKED

    1. Fedot


      Porn has more plot that that movie

  4. Playing agar.io when I Allie ane MY ALLY EATS ME

    1. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Ok... Sober up and please try that post again...

    2. Fedot


      Its gonna take few hours

  5. Do medics think Pounding the shit out of cars with Glow Stix fix them lol?

    1. JProfessMan


      In my ole days as a medic we would cover our SUV's with glowsticks and start raves in Kavala Square.

  6. That moment when you Yell "NOOO" in kavala when your Teammate is dropping a rook for a guy named "User"

  7. inb4 May name is 1 Fedot to get on Number One Fame list

  8. Now that McDilli is back hopefully we can weed out some bad APD ;) #HOPE

  9. Hades has clarified the new rule and I am Pleased with the Not Every single APD Member gets Engaged as half the time i do not know who is medic or Cop because it gets cut off

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen


    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Jaeger vs Thomas for best comments of Olympus 2k15.

    4. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      [APD] Gucci Mane

  10. Make Love not Rules

    1. Mango


      I do like making love ( ?

    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Ok but:

      1. No exsessive moaning

      2. Lick it before you smash it

      3. No contact afterwards, especially eye contact

  11. *sarcasm* Thanks Lonnie85 */sarcasm*

  12. Rip Corp Feddooot .... i dun no rules

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Just taze them until they shit flash bangs..

    3. D3V1L


      And you said you knew the rules :'(......

    4. Thomas


      I know OF the rules

  13. Heart Goes out to McDlli and his Family.

  14. "Sorry, I forgot I could choose what country I could be born in." ~ Moob

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fedot
    3. Thomas


      "Noone gives a shit" ~ SPBOJO 2015

    4. Thomas


      ""Noonegives a shit" ~SPBOJO 2015" ~ Thomas 2015 ~ Jopple123

  15. Formatted my entire Storage Array... Including my backup flashdrive rip 200gb of games ill re download

  16. That moment when your trying to make a PPT for computer stoopid people and find our lord gabe

    1. Fedot


      26 Mor CD;s to Format

    2. Dustin87


      Do a twitch learn to code series fedoot.

    3. Fedot


      Lol i would more likely do a youtube series plus people annoy me only reason im doing this is for a diploma

  17. McDilli Talking about touching himself in shower

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ToeKnee


      lol that is what happens when you dont turn off the fire

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Fedot talking about McDilli touching himself in the shower...This by itself should be a status update on its own..

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I was kidding Fedot. Lol

  18. This is why you need a cpu heatsink. http://i.imgur.com/fgGEKqm.png

    1. djdarkmunk


      thats a gpu ya nub

    2. QKSILVR73


      Still too hot yeouch

  19. Hades is a man of few posts. but the posts he makes are perfect

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fedot


      Ironic i had jaw surgery

    3. Thomas


      Im with papamunski. If you don't take care of the balls and do it right just don't do it at all

    4. Papamunski


      its common courtesy

  20. http://www.twitch.tv/voxthevoice = Pete Malloy's Life tribute Stream
    1. Pete Malloy

      Pete Malloy

      That is Arab music, there is no such thing as Islamic music, there are Islamic chants and songs with no musical instruments that I use in my videos. You also spelled allahu akbar wrong. Please remove my name from this video, thank you.

  21. To All new players (or old) if you need money please read this http://i.imgur.com/iP5IZR3.jpg

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