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Everything posted by DubbedSoap

  1. Is it possible to toggle?
  2. I'll do $2.5M for all 11 BW mags
  3. $2M for Mar 10 lethal
  4. Good luck - be a cop who lets me pay my ticket asap and we can get along
  5. +1 respect unperm all the perms
  6. pm me
  7. Good post, @Skateezy. I can meme as well as the next guy, but you are 100% correct when you say attacking people unrelated to the game is just low. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for people between ages 15 and 24, which I would confidently say encompasses a large percentage of the community of Olympus. The thing about depression, anxiety, and other factors that lead people to take their lives is that YOU do not get to determine what justifies their actions in their head. Your off the wall "Kill yourself" comment can seriously keep somebody up at night, and if I had to guess, probably has at one point in your gaming career. Unfortunately, it is human nature to disregard these things until something happens that hits a little too close to home. In-game beef is all fun and games on this light roleplay platform, but let's try to leave it there as a community and imagine other REAL people's situation from time-to-time before making unnecessary comments. This server specifically bans racism, but there is a hell of a lot more out there that makes people tick than racism. Real-life threats, rape, promoting self-harm, and the list goes on. Let's be better than that. +1 Skateezy.
  8. LOL you bought your first MK1 and put a laser pointer on it and the FTS noobs who can't afford NVGs thought you were scripting
  9. I'll take the memeshack tell me your price lets do business, no goofy back n forth shit
  10. lets make bank bags based on # and rank of APD online. 50-150 bags depending who is on.
  11. Right? All these economy posts n shit, but nobody wants to accept the half a billion being generated a month out of thin air
  13. Lmfao that makes no sense, but on the bright side I can't wait to own a few APD titans.
  14. When did the snakes sneak that one in there. FFS
  15. 250k for the LT uni, I'll buy
  16. This was quite messy. One guy said "Just shoot anybody honestly". That's a tell-tale sign that this was a clusterfuck. Was it a bit scuffed? Yes. But was it still RDM? Yes. I think the bigger takeaway here that we should be discussing is staff's ability to ban players for their personal interactions. It is one thing if a staff member is in game and bans "User (2)" for mass rdm in Kav square. It is different though if a staff member bans somebody they directly interacted with. Only reason I state this is because I remember a time long ago where Hadi or whatever the fuck that terrorist's name was banned me himself when I vigi'd him. 2-3 stressful hours later I had my ban lifted because I hadn't done anything wrong, he was just hella salty and trying to find his loophole. My $0.02 Sorry to say though, this was sketch.
  17. fill it with cocaine and you got urself a deal
  18. We need two rebel boats in the same location. Parallel but facing opposite ways as if they are passing. Then we can fight boat to boat, and make it harder for the titan campers!
  19. Changed: Reworked blackmarkets (more like OG gang hideouts) Tax nerfed from 15% to 5% Can access gun shop gear without capturing, must capture to access better gear Capturing announces to the server that your gang has captured a blackmarket Map shows the gang that currently has each capture Did we mean to remove the clothing store and to require Firearms License for Gun store? Licenses at a black market? =0
  20. Let's write a whitelist vigilante handbook and whitelist career vigilantes who want to create their own experiences instead of spending 60,000 minutes licking ass and smashing their balls with a mallet. Total kidding, kind of, but stop saying "Just join APD". Literally no vigilante wants to be a part of that clusterfuck.
  21. @Kamikaze @Zahzi You both mentioned #2 being abused. What about this - If Joe shoots at Bob and then Joe hops in an aerial vehicle, Bob can titan Joe without a text. I think there should be an extension of "When a player is directly fired upon by an aerial vehicle, the player may return fire with a titan without sending a text first. " and I forgot to address this. Very important imo, because when you got shot at then they try to flee in an aerial vehicle, why should I have to text them when we are engaged? They shot at me and then hopped in that heli.
  22. Exactly, and thanks for the feedback. For everything that "already exists", what do you think about explicitly updating our rulebook that way the every day players and support teams know and don't have to stumble across rule clarification threads? Too many times have I gone to support per somebodys request after I titan them and it boils down to a lack of clarification. And a lack of support team's knowledge for that matter. Could you clarify exactly how that could be abused?
  23. Lets explicitly update our rulebook because there are multiple support team members and civilians who would disagree that it exists.
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