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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. Might wanna fix that spelling error d7d5398d8de31c4f4e6f9f98fa6e245d.png

  2. If the Civ doesn't comply, the only thing you had to do was say that your doing a fingerprint scanning test, or a blood test. Ya some civs abuse the guideline, but the RP aspect of the game is surely still alive if they do. That's why i want it back
  3. Ya but when the guideline was still a "thing", every cop followed it. And I like that, the cops RP'd a hell of a lot more, and that's something I truly miss. And something I want to come back as a official rule and not just a guide line. Ya feel?
  4. "Make it so cops can't just look at a persons name, check if their wanted, and arrest them. This whole new change of where cops can tilde freely and what not is honestly stupid."
  5. "Make it so cops can't just look at a persons name, check if their wanted, and arrest them. This whole new change of where cops can tilde freely and what not is honestly stupid." Are you fu***** dumb? I was stating my opinion.
  6. I was simply stating my opinion, then people started flipping shit for literaly nothing. The only thing I did was fraze a sentence wrong. I don't know why everybody's acting like its the end of the world, its honestly pathetic
  7. Nooo..... It was a new change. Cops weren't allowed to just arrest people that are on the wanted list. They had to have solid proof / evidence of who the person was. They could still tilde, but not people just running around. They could only tilde to engage to know who to text for engaging a car or heli.
  8. Solution: Make it so cops can't just look at a persons name, check if their wanted, and arrest them. This whole new change of where cops can tilde freely and what not is honestly stupid. Inb4 McDili quotes me saying a complain to much
  9. You fucked up Fedot...... AGAIN!

    1. Fastik


      That's not possible he doesn't do anything :Kappa:

  10. I've been here since late October of 2014. Never heard of a guy named Cowboy Conway
  11. Why cant we spam F to go from semi auto to full auto. I died because of this yesterday when I switched from full auto to semi, and someone popped out of nowhere a split second after I switched to semi auto. I pressed F to try to go to full auto but it didn't since now you cant spam it, and it switches really slowly. Was this in the update? if so can you change it back?? plz?? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BENJI
    3. BENJI


      @Poseidon Ya, fix the whole lighting. To me it kinda looks like Exile.

  12. Why does the lighting look like Exile wtf?

    1. Ham


      It's prettier :D

    2. BENJI


      tbh, I hate it. I don't like the lighting what so ever. I like the graphics change, but not the new exile lighting look. Don't like it 1 bit

  13. BENJI


    Your not you when your hungry
  14. RIP Larry, 2k16

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. babooshka


      larry still dodging his Corp eval?

    3. BENJI


      He got removed from APD for driving into a rebel by himself for no reason, then he bought a Pdub as a Medic and starting killing people.

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Naw Babooshka. I'd been stalking him for days and finally got him a week or so ago. Dropped his CPL tags like a bad habit. 

  15. I went on the Olympus Forums and found this. https://i.gyazo.com/f03e7d4111e564f511a85389ef703c41.png I thought the snow was gone :(

  16. Server 1: 80/80 Server 2: 80/80

    The Force Has Been Awakened..... Server 3 confirmed

    1. ToeKnee


      but ya booboo said olymous is dead so everyone listen to him right

    2. BENJI


      Booboo is a mongoloid

    3. Talindor


      It's the holidays, no school for most, corporate job leaves etc. Happens every holiday.

  17. BEST IDEA.... A calculator for Y menu!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Fedot


      are we not going to talk about djwolfs wallpaper

    3. djwolf


      @Fedothushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, we dont need to worry about that

    4. Fedot
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