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About Raquese

  • Birthday December 13

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. https://gyazo.com/17546b71905c02c188aa7bef480ebbbc
  2. Huff paint fumes
  3. Crazy how someone can be comfortable with being nothing more than a vapid used cum dump living off the work of others and leaving no legacy or generational wealth for your kids. Pathetic.
  4. You are retarded. I'm in the middle of starting my own business, I'm 24 and by the time I'm 26 I'll be making 6 figures. But hey atleast you got 6k hours on oly! enjoy being on section 8 I guess?
  5. @ The Sovereign Do you have a job?
  6. Observant as always
  7. Kinda insane people are crying about being called named and being told to kill themselves. Stop being so fragile and just play the gay game your life revolves around like FUCK. MFs will make whole essays about how their feelings got hurt but couldn't be bothered to better themselves in real life. Y'all are so God damn soft. 

  8. Trump is running in the 2024 race


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raquese


      @ ThatNerdyGuy  Why do I feel like you are an avid user of reddit 

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      I use Reddit however if I want a truly unbiased opinion I’ll go to the Associated Press. 

    4. Raquese


      @ ThatNerdyGuy  What no pussy does to a mf 

  9. Anyone else have an ATF Eform 4 currently pending? 

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      its because i reported you to the ATF & DEA last week, good luck buddy

    2. Raquese


      @ Strafe  Thats ok, I've been on a watch list for years

  10. Mako after reading the god-awful patch notes the night before he drops them


  11. Raquese

    3x $5M Raffle

    n Â
  12. Rest in piss Ruth 🤡

  13. The life choice of not having a job and leaching off other people is fucking sad
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