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Everything posted by Mr.Slick

  1. We just patiently wait for good/cool ideas that never come...
  2. Keys.. To.. Invasion...



  3. ALL houses/sheds have a possible chance of being on a list to be selected, regardless if online/side.
  4. House growing/pressing with property upgrades
  5. Added: Festive Surprise New Event Snow (Dec 20th-25th) Santa Drops (Dec 20th-25th) 7:00 PM EST Santa will fly over one major city and drop presents off Presents will auto-unseal after 2 minutes of landing and contain physical and virtual items Once he finishes, he will fly over the warzone Santa and his accompanying elf will parachute when the warzone present is dropped You can find and kill both of them for some extra goodies... The warzone present will unseal 10 minutes after landing You can toggle a view of Santa's sleigh and reindeer by typing ;santacam Krampus (Dec 20th-25th) 9:00 PM EST Krampus will spawn at one of the major cities to terrorize citizens He has the ability to super jump and go invisible He will melee players and deal 50 HP per hit He can be killed with conventional weapons and his body will contain gifts... Kavala Cookie Eating Contest (Dec 20th-25th) 6:00 PM EST A dining table will be setup in Kavala square with chairs and plates Players will have 5 minutes to eat as many cookies as possible If you leave your chair someone else might take your seat! Top 3 cookie eaters will earn cash 1st - 500k + Fat Ass Title 2nd - 250k 3rd - 100k New Years Day (Jan 1st 2024) 12:00 AM EST Fireworks will be set off at all major cities Advent Calendar Dec 19th-25th you will receive an extra reward in daily rewards The loot pool is really so don't forget to open them! Community Goals Civ Find and melt snowmen with a thermite grenade Open presents Snowball players Cop Drink pumpkin spice lattes Med Give out candy canes Virtual Items Presents When you open a present near a Christmas tree it will be put into your y-inventory You can open it to receive rewards! Eggnog (Alcoholic Effects), gingerbread, cookies, graham crackers, chocolate bars, marshmallows, and milk Redgull is now Frosty Redgull Juggernog has made a return (Can be used Dec 19th-25th) Bongs, Joints, Vapes, and Glassrigs have made a return for the entirety of December Vapes can be purchased at the market and others at drug dealer Thermite grenade for melting snowmen Camping Setup This will place a tent and campfire that you can sleep in for 1 minute to regain HP, food/water. You can forge smores by via interaction key and having graham crackers, chocolate bars, and marshmallows in your inventory Smores effect will last 5 minutes and you can heal overtime (10 seconds per 5 HP) It can't be placed inside red zones or major cities It can store up to 25 virtual storage (NOTE: it can be accessed by anyone) Automatically deletes after 10 minutes Oly+ Exclusive Client mod MK-1 and Mk-18 Gingerbread skin toggle with ;skinginger Mk-18 Present skin toggle with ;skinpresent Festive spray paints Festive pajamas for Fatigues and CBRN suit Elf Wetsuit Building Decorations Toggle with house menu A small Christmas tree with a model train and presents Christmas Tree Lights out the outside of your house for all your friends to see House Lights 7 different light options to choose from These are saved in the database, so even if your offline, other players will see your decor Available for houses and gang sheds Gang owner must have oly+ to toggle Free Hatchback sport Ifrit skin Misc You can throw snowballs at players by pressing G Christmas loading screen You can optionally download: Altis Snow Map You can see your breath and others now due to low temperatures Whenever you are facing North at night, you can see Polaris. You can donate to those in need at any major city via Salvation Army with interaction key The top 3 players with the most donations will receive an exclusive title at the end of the month Airdrops now have various present skins Ability to wire money directly from Gang Bank Can transfer money to offline players that will goto their deposit box Tax rate for offline transfer is 8% Gang members are now notified when their gang can be leveled upon login Gang experience progress is now visible on the Y gang menu RnR DP Bonus Getting revives in between Medic DP missions gives a bonus to the medic mission. Max 50% increase. Revives: 1 | 12.50% 2 | 25.00% 3 | 37.50% 4 | 50.00% RnR can now repair destroyed buildings Pays $50k to Medic on completion Custom SFX while repairing APD can now redeploy from their HQs Restricted from use if: A civilian within 175m Active combat More than 5 cops online Puts the cop on a 40-second respawn timer Notifies via chat message that the officer has redeployed APD can now respawn at their last HQ Without navigating the spawn selection menu officers will now be able to quickly respawn at their last spawned at HQ with the press of a button Players with missing items from their loadouts can opt to "refill" you up to your loadout in the loadout menu Pure Heroin/Painkillers added to keybind menu Katiba to WPL for $70k Textures Gang Grim Fatigues - Haw0y Wraith Granits - Haw0y Trouble Fatigues - @ Mason Harrison Trouble Hatchback - @ Mason Harrison Trouble Van - @ Mason Harrison Trouble Box Truck - @ Mason Harrison Civilian Survival Fatigue variants now included in various shops Using Client Mod shows additional textures on the uniform, vanilla Arma just shows pants texture Granit-T can now be textured to any owned Granit texture via House Wardrobe Changed: Added confirmation for requesting Medic services Vehicle scrap timer 5 minutes -> 1 minute RnR Ghost Hawk Supervisor -> Pararescue Fentanyl price changed from $12.5k -> $7.5k Minor update to Vandal hatchback Updated some messages in the Mod Shop Evidence locker being hacked only broadcasts to the APD Altis bank being defused hint now shows which bank was defused Deployable turret price changed from $2.7M -> $1.2M Removed the ability for Undercover officers to utilize their Civilian Council whitelist clothing Gang turfs now have additional randomized spawns Gang members that are rank 4 can now handle their gang's gang experience Gang war to all message condensed Storing a plane with a DP mission will query a confirmation to the user Fixed: Broken Infected spawn on Rust Receiving gang invites while logging in Performance enhancement for Cleanup script Auction House purchase history displaying oldest sales instead of newest Logging out on Cop setting Civilian position to last Cop position Crash related to property key management 1km kills not counting in bench positions Rangefinders not displaying Co-Pilot name Players spawning in locked houses GangXP for Airdrop Vehicle claiming Paying off a large value parole with a four-figure cost exploit Players being able to relog to steal the same painting Vehicles despawning with physical inventory Restraining of other players within events Impounded vehicles acting as lethal injectors Dead player icons appearing for players who have not requested a medic APD Gear Escort not needing to be unsealed prior to being accessible Magazine prices not being properly added Optimized legacy interaction menu button generation Prevented restraining players during events Players getting stuck under Rebel boat on disconnect Notifications not being sent to players while they are on the login screen, the server now waits for them to hit play Remove firing pin button missing from the rob player interaction menu Entering a number larger than the number of items in an inventory/trunk not storing items Major optimizations to pulling bodies out and player corpses Optimized mission size Pharmaceutical sell canceling on player move Search bar inventories being selected by default Overlapping text on the Y wanted menu Cruise control now stops when the player has been tased View distance exploit Can't sell 140 items even though you can hold 150 Top Casino use title Players getting kicked if they're killed while escorting a restrained player Ability to place Speed bombs on players Gathering full inventories instantly Ability to bolt-cut inner dome before the exterior door was bolt-cut Backend issues and errors Map Sofia Bank performance bug Floating gas station NPC Unintended housing for sale Sofia HQ destroying helicopters on purchase Removed: Remove the ability to scrap Y-Items attached to runs (Legal + Illegal) Textures LNT Gang Granit TP Gang CSATs NSFW Gang Fatigues The Misters Gang Fatigues Burst fire from AK12 and RPK Certain useless Chat messages Names from ban/kick chat messages
  6. You know you can only drink it during Halloween?
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mr.Slick


      @ virus Can either do Quick Pick or choose at your own leisure, pretty similar to real life Powerball but just numbers 1-11 instead of the 60+ or whatever IRL is

    3. Mr.Slick
    4. Noble
  7. Added: Halloween Event New Community Goals Ghostbuster Purchase a full spectrum camera and P.K.E. meter to find and take pictures of ghosts found all around the map. Only 10 ghosts will be available for pictures per restart. Grave Robber Players can purchase a machete and scalp dead players for their heads At any grave you can sacrifice the souls from the heads to the Grim Reaper. Halloween Weekend Events 28-31st Each event will occur once per day UAP (10:00 PM EST) A UAP will fly over Kavala erratically and abduct players After flying for 25 minutes, the UAP will center in square and be shot down Players can loot the UAP after its been shotdown KIll Jason (1:00 AM EST) Jason Vorhees will spawn at Camp Crystal Lake near the salt flats He can sustain enormous amounts of damage and can be killed for loot on his body. He will chase players across the campgrounds and melee if he catches you! Banish Goatman (5:00 PM EST) Goatman will spawn in the NW part of the map in a dense forest. Players must gather 3 holy objects found near trees and rocks, and interact with his den to start the ritual. Once his ritual has begun, he will be burned and sent to Hell. Players will receive rewards and additional loot is underneath his den Trick Or Treat (8:00 PM EST) Will spawn in randomly in one of the major cities 25 Jack-o-lanterns will be placed in front of houses and players can interact for a chance of a treat... Kill Christine (3:00 PM EST) Christine is a haunted hatchback that will spawn in any of the major cities. She will attempt to run over players who are in the streets. She can be blown up and looted for loot. Kavala Zombie Attack (Special) This is an experimental event that may occur Zombies will spawn near the square and attack players nearby You can pack a punch your MK-1 by the Casino to do increased damage Purchase Juggernog for $150,000, which reduces all damage significantly and last 15 minutes. This can only be bought/used during Halloween weekend. All killed zombies will contain loot on their bodies, and will be deleted 30 seconds after death. Only 10 zombies per 3 minutes can spawn. Event lasts 25 minutes until a M.O.A.B is called in, killing all remaining zombies. Virtual Items Coffee, Redgull, Lollipops, and Donuts have new festival icons/names. Candy Bag Once opened, can drop candies, drinks, and even cash! The drinks contain alcohol and will severely affect your aim/sight if continuously drunk. Jack-O-Lantern helmet Will attach a pumpkin to the player's head Misc Added Halloween login screen with music and special effects Horns will play spooky sounds during October Medic lights are orange/white in color Staff In-Game Messages/ Player Warnings For cases where players specifically don’t require bans, but a warning of wrongdoing Allows staff to efficiently warn players without going through the hassle of finding and messaging players through forums/ discord Prompts upon loading screen of server, and requires the player to acknowledge message upon joining server October House Expansion Market buildings - 3 Crater Cabin in the woods... @ Zombie Mall Cop Various Halloween-themed decorations at HQs, Hospitals, and City Squares New player hint regarding storage facilities Client mod button to ESC menu Additional kill notifications Players now receive special killstreak notifications based on their kill count with a special color Dominating - 2 Rampage - 4 Onslaught - 6 Savage - 8 Relentless - 10 Brutal - 12 Ruthless - 14 Merciless - 16 Vicious - 18 Ferocious - 20 Monstrous - 22 Supreme -24 Invincible - 26 Unstoppable - 28 Legendary - 30 Godlike - 32 Each has its own special color Additional randomized notification in kill messages Ex: Killed X -> Demolished X Changed: The amount of scrap listable in the Auction House increased from 750 -> 100,000 Increased infantry transport blackfish from $1,000,000 -> $1,250,000 Qilin Minigun+ variants now have a singular 2,000rnd belt instead of 2x 1000rnd belts Reverted medic sound on revive Combined store/retrieve on locker so it's like a house inventory Joining a group will automatically show the bomb timer if the group joined is doing an event Updated logging to display gang attempting Federal/Minor events Ghost Hawk moved from Supervisor to Pararescue Evidence locker hack message changed to fed bolt cut like hint and other small hint changes Made RnR firefighting tank have the same virtual inventory as a Bergen backpack Renamed Impound yard action to "Ground Vehicle Garage" for non-RnR members Vehicle Shop/Garage Color Changes Illegal vehicles in the vehicle shops/garage menu have orange pictures Illegal vehicles that are favorited have an orange picture and green name Updated a selection of horns to new soundbites On Rocks IM OK Groan TOO MANY CHIEFS Map: Moonshine Distributor @ TheHeroNoob Gang Turf designs (Panagia / Agios / Rodopoli) @ Zombie Mall Cop @ notsodank Fixed: Changes to Sofia Bank that should improve performance issues Fixed rotation of some objects for Dome TDM map Airdrop Vehicles still being tracked after being claimed Inability to seize the Escort Prowler after it has been claimed Qilin Minigun+ variants not dealing damage to vehicles Hellcat skin not applying for Adv. Paramedic Missing Sugar icon Turf Hint displaying 1200 minutes Increased reliability of Parole Tracer Promet mags to Vigilante shops .338 suppressor can now be sold on the Auction House Starting Federal Events during Gold Escort While an APD Gold Escort is active Federal Events/Vehicle Yard/Pharmaceutical cannot be started While the Evidence Locker is being hacked other Federal Events/Vehicle Yard/Pharmaceutical cannot be started Players being damaged while being run over by vehicles Taxi invoice Various fire-spawning issues Being able to buy a license close to restart Removed: Locked town name on the menu Tempest mining amount selection (will be reimplemented in a future patch) Hotfix #1: (2023-10-25) Fixed: Script error on login if not in a gang Halloween jumpscares will only happen if not in a redzone, not in combat, not in a vehicle, and at night Client FPS issues across the map due to scaled objects (Kavala and Sofia) Buying vehicle failing if had ' in gang/group tag or name Changed old horns to newer horn sounds Issues with house syncing (should now be the MOST reliable it ever has been) Issues with goldbar gang perk not applying Cop/Med factions syncing positions, causing civs to spawn in at that location Turf flags being inconsistent Gang sheds acting buggy on repair Goatman holy object issues
  8. @ stayclaxxy You ready to lose all your money 🤑5cf393bf02bf92a6227389a58eb7a933.png

    1. stayclaxxy


      @ Ryan ill need an unblacklist when this comes out

    2. xsmitherz


      this is going to ruin me

  9. Drink Jug... Pack-a-Punch your MK1... Shoot damn zombies... Halloween 2023


    1. Clashingtin


      we getting a cod zombies event or whats up 

    2. hawkg


      Der Eisen Drache 

  10. Have you ever pondered the question, Are Ghosts Real?

    Halloween 2023...


    1. proud


      inb4 gary is haunting people in kavala

    2. Skys


      the ghost of rabid haunting the red burger in kav square  

  11. Now that's something fun to make
  12. Added: Login Rewards - Donation Goal Accessed through ;login or Y-menu below licenses Players are notified when a reward is eligible Rewards must be redeemed the day they are rolled from the UI Must play at least 15m before being able to roll daily reward Daily reset is 7:30 AM EST Rewards on milestone days exclusively use Milestone pools and default days use default pool Rewards are equal chance from the loot pool Rewards Default $4166~$37500 Cash Rook / pm9 83~500 Scrap 5% Processing Buff 25% Picking Buff 1-2 Vigilante Renown (Vigi Exclusive) 1-2 Warpoints Quadbike/Gokart/Hatchback/Hatchback (Sport)/SUV/Offroad 1x epi / 10x Redgull / 1x toolkit / 10x pepsi / 10x cupcake / 10x beer Milestones 7D $100,000 Cash PDW2000 / Protector 50% Gather Buff 10% Processing Buff 2~5 War Points 2~5 Vigilante Renown Van (Transport) (WPL Exclusive) Hatchback (Sport) (Rebel Exclusive) 1 Hex Icon 14D $250,000 Cash Mk20 100% Gather Buff 15% Processing Buff 5~8 War Points 5~8 Vigilante Renown Zamak (Transport) (WPL Exclusive) Qilin (Light) (Rebel Exclusive) 1 Hex Icon Title "Hotstreak" (Guaranteed) 30D $250,000 Cash 25% Processing Buff 10 War Points 10 Vigilante Renown HEMTT (Box) (WPL Exclusive) Hummingbird (Rebel Exclusive) 1 Hex Icon Title "Dedicated" (Guaranteed) 60D $250,000 Cash 10 War Points 10 Vigilante Renown Tempest (Device) (WPL Exclusive) Qilin (Rebel Exclusive) 2 Hex Icon Title "No Life" (Guaranteed) 90D $350,000 Cash 15 War Points 15 Vigilante Renown Tempest (Device) (WPL Exclusive) Strider (Rebel Exclusive) 3 Hex Icon Title "Olympian" (Guaranteed) Hatchback (Sport) Login Skin (Guaranteed) New UI and display Rewards that have been opened are displayed as opened Phone calls and Facetime Players have an additional 'Contact' button in their phone menu Players can chose to call a player or Facetime them Facetiming without Picture-In-Picture on will notify players to toggle it on Calling/Facetiming players opens a voice channel Calls can be accepted with F9 and declined with F8 Facetime allows players to swap their perspective from pointing at the player to what the player is looking at with F10 Keys can be bound in the settings menu Only 6 calls/Facetimes can be processed at one time Calls terminate on player death When receiving a call player's phones will ring and be audible to other players within earshot 1 default option and 15 premium options for $75 donor or O+ Players can preview ringtones in the settings menu Players can change their phone background 1 default option and 5 premium options for $75 donor or O+ When receiving a call you'll be notified of the player's name, Steam ID and Hex Icon Steam ID is converted into a phone number Ex: 76561198904765314 becomes (890)-476-5314 Players may choose to block certain players from calling them in the phone menu to prevent excess trolling Infected Staff Event Staff will now start hosting Infected Events Event starts with a custom load screen and introduction Includes Custom HUD for round timers and scoring After each round a scoreboard is generated Infected Starts with all players as Survivors and randomly designates players to become infected Infected players can infect Survivors by melee killing them or throwing knives Default keybinds of H to melee and G to thow a knife Rebindable in Keybinds menu Infected players have a respawn time of 15 seconds and numerous spawn points per map Infected Players have a ballistic-resistant uniform Infected players let out sound ques (Zombie Groans) frequently to inform Survivors of their location Infected players win the event by infecting all Survivors Survivors Start off with loadouts chosen by staff members Survivors can replenish their current magazine by killing Infected players and running over the 'Scavenger' crate Survivors can call in a Tactical Nuke to wipe out all Infected players if they get a 25 kill streak Headshot kills on Infected players will create a custom effect and explode their head Survivors win by either running out the round timer or getting PLACEHOLDER KILLS Underglow Players now have the ability to toggle an attached underbelly light on their vehicle in the keychain menu 12 Color variants to choose from Red, Green, Blue, White, Purple, Hot Pink, Yellow, Light Blue, Burnt Orange, Turquoise, Mint Green, Dodger Blue Availability $15 or O+ Offroad, Gokart, and Quadbike $30 or O+ SUV $50 or O+ Hatchback and Hatchback (Sport), Box Trucks, Vans, HEMTT, Zamak, and Tempest $100 or O+ Qilin, Prowler, Strider, Ifrit, and Hunter including Airdrop/Light/Armed variants Spray Cans Spray Cans can be bought from Market NPCs Players can now tag up locations with Spray Cans Default 'U' to start spraying and to spray Sprays accessible from $75 Donors or O+ Animated sprays accessible from $200 Donors or O+ Tags must be selected from the settings menu After tagging a location players have a 120s cooldown Titles Wanted Status $10M bounty - "WANTED" $25M bounty - "Hey look mom I am on TV!" $50M bounty - "The Boogey Man" 1KM kills 25 - "The Hidden" 50 - "Silent Death" 100 - "BOOM HEADSHOT" 250 - "IN THE HILLS" Drug Dealers have restocked their drugs Drug dealers now sell Dimebag variants on all processable drugs Dealers will not buy back any sold drugs Cartel APD Sensor Players can directly notify APD via a scroll action on Cartel Flags Upon selecting this action an alert is sent to the APD along with details of the cartel they are capturing. If the APD forgets the specific cartel that is being captured, they can look on the map where they will find a marker where the specific alert was created from. This map marker includes a "restart timestamp" to provide record of when it was initially created. Delivery Mission Bonuses Players will receive a $100,000 bonus upon completing 10 delivery missions. Both regular and plane delivery missions contribute towards this total. Gang XP Vigilante Bounty Payout Bonus Bonus to bounty payouts of 2%/4%/7.5% (2/3/5) Automatic restrain heal Restraints automatically heal for 10/20/30 HP (1/2/4) General Backpack Storage Increase Virtual Storage Increase 3/6/10 (2/4/6) APD/RnR members can now identify new players with an addition under their nametag Auction House now displays the last 5 items sold as a price history RnR can now see when a player requires Dopamine under their nametag Wiki button on the Y-menu Notification for items waiting in house compensation 3 Additional Backpack types for RnR Additional Berets for RnR dependent on rank T4 Vest to Undercover clothing shops Strider smokes in the driver's seat Vandalized APD vehicles now have light and ram bars Legacy kill notifications .338 Suppressor to Blackwater as Ultra-Rare Players can add 30 days to their Auction House listing for an additional 1% of listing price @ KermitZooicide Founders Circle Perks Textures Civ Reworked Mario Ifrit @ Renegade Combat Fatigues (CSAT) (O+/$100) Stealth T-Shirt variants of Combat Fatigues Bloodsport Qilin ($125/O+) @ Mason Harrison Empress Qilin ($125/O+) @ Mason Harrison Abibas Red Tracksuit ($75/O+) Abibas Teal Tracksuit ($75/O+) Abibas White Tracksuit ($75/O+) Grey Two-Tone Tracksuit ($75/O+) CSAT Urban Camo Pack ($50/O+) CSAT Naval Camo Pack ($50/O+) Digital Red Camo Pack ($75/O+) Digital Green Camo Pack ($75/O+) Digital Blue Camo Pack ($75/O+) Digital Grey Camo Pack ($75/O+) RnR Huron recolor @ Brolaf Taru Pod/Medivac and Fuel variant pods @ Brolaf Gang The Misters Gang Fatigues @ Brolaf PcP Gang Fatigues @ Brolaf NSFW Gang Fatigues Scythe Gang Fatigues Recolor @ nicole The Empire Gang Bergen @ Brolaf Changed: Scrap values reduced ENVG 40,000 -> 20,000 Special Purpose Helmet 160,000 -> 75,000 Spawn change of Thermal Goggles in Blackwater loot pool increased ENVG Very-Rare -> Rare Special Purpose Ultra-Rare -> Very-Rare Listing counts for Auction House Virtual Listings 10 -> 25 Vehicle Listings 10 -> 15 Physical Listings 10 -> 25 Impound Yard payout for RnR increased by 50% Bank Robbery notification now displays which Bank is being robbed to APD members Pharmaceutical/Vehicle Yard start now only notify the APD APD can no longer access APD Escort Inventory Fonts updated Updated Medic hints for reviving interrupted and receiving money Houses no longer display players in proximity to them on spawn selection Virtual FAK+ no longer drops on death Kill notification now shows warpoints gained Kill notification now shows a separate killstreak for nonwar kills Terminating the pharmaceutical on cop pay split from 5.0 km -> 2.5 km Local pardon now displays the Officer's rank in the hint Players must now rearm Striders from the Driver's seat Additional Font changes Flashbang sound effect lowered Map Ephedra Field @ TheHeroNoob Phosphorus Field @ TheHeroNoob Sofia Rehaul @ TheHeroNoob Neochori Hospital @ NokiaStrong Gold Trader moved to Nifi hill @ notsodank Rebel Boat now relocates each month @ notsodank Kavala Square Redesign @ Diamond Fixed: Player vehicles getting stuck in a 'limbo' state where they aren't able to be pulled after a restart GPS Pathing performance APD Gold Escort cooldown timer Gang Processing perk not applying properly for Vehicle Processing Players sent to jail via Combat Log bones will now have their Vigilante arrests wiped Pulling weapons from houses will no longer add additional attachments Additional syncs to prevent players from losing their gear occasionally Additional syncs to prevent loss of money via wire transfer Lower-ranking officers being able to tase and restrain higher ranking officers Blackmarkets unable to be captured while unsealed Pharmaceutical Markers not deleting properly Players getting kicked for dropping/picking backpacks up Player Weapon attachments being overwritten by clothing bug fix Players can no longer purchase Gang Sheds for personal property Disputes sometimes sending multiple on creation Players without a gang being able to check/unseal Blackmarkets Questioning Drug Dealers now utilizes updated Hint system .45ACP Suppressor and Mk20 (Taser) not being listable on Auction House Misc fixes for Auction House Fixed numerous capitalization errors on Charge names Plane DP Map marker bug and giving cash after completion of a delivery Players can now pan their map in the respawn screen Marshal Cap reduced from $50 Donor to $15 donor Re-added missing US Black and IDAP White caps to APD VIP donor shops GangXP Toolkit retention perk not hinting correctly when a Toolkit is not used. Players getting stuck in the ground when dying in an aerial vehicle explosion All virtual items now have an icon Magic Mushroom missing from scrap values Color correction on Iridium, Butterfly, and Quantum materials Tasers killing players Buildings invisible after repair Vehicle Yard trucks no longer take damage from non-projectile damage Getting stuck in the ground after dying in vehicle explosions Fog deploying and never clearing Weather should be considerably more consistent now Vehicle Yard Truck being blown up by vehicles damaging it Players revived by Medics not syncing gear properly Y-Menu Horn button missing SRT Qilin and SRT Strider missing lightbars Cops killed not rewarding Gang XP Cop vehicles now spawn with ram/lightbars on purchase Cop death fee in Warzone/Airdrops broken MRAP decamp spangle not working for negative values (-35 KM/PH in reverse) Spike strip script error RnR messages bugged RnR Huron appearing black at a range RnR Xian appearing black at a range Tactical view exploit Map Destructible Vehicle Yard gates Pyrgos Casino garage marker Removed: Strider Commander smokes Silver Mine Airdrop location
  13. About to be a 10 year old game... Just look towards arma reforger and beyond




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NokiaStrong
    3. Frato


      @ NokiaStrong Some people need to be spangle killed. Simple as that

    4. peaking in life on league

      peaking in life on league

      we shall rise from vorkuta 😭

  15. If you'd like to assist us in reducing server latency please follow the instructions to download the mission file HERE. Added: Community Goals - Donation Goal Faction Specific Goals started by Staff A single Community Goal can be active at a time per faction Goal accessible through Y -> Quest Menu -> Community Goals Description of Goal, ex: "Sell 5,000 Blue Crystal Meth" Displays a fillable bar that changes based on the contribution level Number of contributions, contributors and your contributions Current contribution tier and reward 7 Tiers Starting and ending in HR, M, S Scheduling of Community Goals will vary, they may last day(s) or week(s) Max reward (Cash or War points) is set by Staff Payout varies from each reached tier S - (100% of max reward) A - (80% of max reward) B - (60% of max reward) C - (40% of max reward) D - (20% of max reward) E - (10% of max reward) F - (2.5% of reward) Based on Tier reached, rewards vary Top 6 Contributors (100% of tier reward) Top 10% of all contributors (85% of tier reward) Top 25% of all contributors (75% of tier reward) Top 50% of all contributors (50% of tier reward) Top 75% of all contributors (25% of tier reward) Top 100% of all contributors (10% of tier reward) No Contribution (No reward) Each goal is specific to what a faction can do Civilian Selling Illegal Goods Selling Legal Goods Use Blasting Charges Capture Cartels Kill Cops Steal Pharmaceuticals Unseal Black Markets Rob Players + Many more Cops Play Time Defuse bombs Impound Vehicles Terminate Pharmaceuticals Seize Pharmaceuticals Complete Escorts Impound Stolen Vehicles Resolve Dispatches Drive Distance Medic Impound Vehicles Revive Players Give Lollypops Play Time Housing Expansion - Donation Goal All new housing listed under "Unique" in Realtor menu 100+ new custom houses across the map 32 Custom House types added Not displayed on map 5 Crater - Industrial Shed ($13.5M) Garage included $2M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical $25M with all upgrades 5 Crater - Warehouse ($13.5M) Garage included $2M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical $25M with all upgrades 5 Crater - Police Station ($13.5M) $2M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical $25M with all upgrades 5 Crater - Villas ($15M) Garage included $2.25M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical $27.75M total with all upgrades 5 Crater - Hotels ($10M) $1.5M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical $19M total with all upgrades 5 Crater - Brick Houses ($4.25M) $638kper Virtual upgrade, 200k per Physical $8.9M total with all upgrades 1 Crater - Parking Shelter ($750k) Garage Included 5 Crater - Apartment Building ($10M) $1.5M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical $19M total with all upgrades 0-3 Crater(s) - Additional Bungalows, Shacks and Houses ($450k~1.55M) 5 Craters Increased maximum storage of select houses Max Virtual 3,600 Max Physical 1,100 1192 Vanilla Housing locations added Additional default options now available 1 Crater - Ghost Hotel Bungalows ($750k) 5 Crater - Light "Houses" ($10M) $1.5M per Virtual upgrade, $200k per Physical $19M total with all upgrades 0 Crater - Windmills ($500k) 0 Crater - Slum Shacks ($450k) Some Houses are subject to removal Ex: Buildings not intended for purchase inside of events and likewise Vigilante Renown Points Point Gain/Loss Accumulated after 100 arrests Points are only gained after arresting a player over $200K and Geared Ex: T3 Vest and TRG+ Gain 1 Point per $200k of bounty Rounds down Arresting a player with either a bounty less than $100k and little to no gear then a point is lost Renown Point Shop Vermin 2RP 9mm Suppressor 6RP Vigilante Rank 5+ Promet 4RP Car-95 4RP Promet MR 5RP Y-Inventory Rework Players no longer drop briefcases on death Player bodies can be accessed with T On respawn Players will spawn a briefcase containing all Y-Inventory items Having the inventory open while a player disconnects keeps it open Players that disconnect while dead still spawn briefcases Gang Tags to all chat messages 200% Pharmaceutical Drop-off ;apd Messages all APD officers Same restrictions as sending a phone message (i.e. location/misuse) ;rnr Messages all Medics Lists all players online; the same as ;players Weapon Shop Update RPK-12 now have color coordinated magazines Spar-17 Sand to (MVP/O+) All Bipod variants (MVP/O+) Mk20 Car-95 now have color coordinated magazines (MVP/O+) Black ASP (MVP/O+) MXSW 100rnd magazines now color coordinated Explosive Satchel $400,000 Jungle and Black NVGs (MVP/O+) Additional ARCO/RCO color variants Cartel Contesting If a group outnumbers another by 3 to 1, the cap will no longer be fully contested Once 3 to 1 is reached, you will be able to capture/neutralize at 50% the normal speed Player names added to remove keys Tased players now display a bolt above their head indicating status Title for Pararescue "Good Noodle" Illegal Vehicles are now displayed in Red in the Garage to display their status Dopamine hotkey for Medics Map Additions Sumo Derby Event Arena @ Zeuse North Hospital @ NokiaStrong Sofia HQ @ NokiaStrong Changed: Dead cops now count towards Federal checks Players can no longer load High Capacity Magazines in non-LMG tasers Non-LMG Tasers can still utilize Cop variant High Capacity Magazines Ex: Black MX can be loaded with a 100rnd Black magazine but not a 100rnd Khaki/Sand magazine Ex: Black MXSW can be loaded with any magazine All high capacity magazines to not overlap with APD weapon shops Players can no longer fix their clothes inside a vehicle WPL bonus on legal goods/activities from 20% to 15% RnR Divesuit to EMT+ Rebel Weapon Shops now display whether they are donator or default HMG+ no longer has Red dot rail Pharmaceutical drop-off 85% changed to 50% Gas station alarm changed Changed sound from 5m to 1m Fixed: Cops dying in vehicles causing lethal bugs Textures missing after TDM Event Inability to put players in restraints in vehicles from Rebel Boat/Water Urbanite Uniform missing Silent bullet bug Players falling through map while performing an animation i.e. jumping/reviving Tase/Restrain not terminating Chop Shop action Xian not able to be Claimed Xian able to be insured MXC not list-able on Auction House RnR Mohawk changed to Search and Rescue Medics access to Facemasks/Headgear now restricted based on rank SWAT Title "Assult Specialist" -> "Assault Specialist" Vehicles not re-pulling after being claimed at Chop Shop Cop enter as actions not appearing Jail removing player textures Cops inability to access Undercover Trunk inventory visual duplication Removed: Forced group messages in group chat Hotfix #1 (8/8/2022): Added garage to pharma 200% drop off point Fixed issues with medic community goals not incrementing Fixed cartel markers displaying "any" when captured Fixed blackfishes being able to be insured Fixed issues with teleporting too many people to a TDM event Fixed issues with whitelisted factions not getting their team colored clothing in TDM Fixed APD vandal vehicles not being listed as red (aka illegal) in the garage menu Fixed backpack not increasing max virtual inventory sometimes Fixed stats not incrementing Fixed medics spawning with default Arma unit loadouts on death Fixed some server side issues with new houses and house keys Fixed some server side issues with disputes Significant network/server side performance improvement Hotfix #2 (8/9/2022): Added new fix/workaround for silent bullet bug. Players were sometimes stuck in a state where only they could hear their own bullets. If you find any ways to cause this still, submit a Bug Report immediately. Fixed house permanent keys being saved after giving Fixed kick messages with a few of the new backpacks Fixed a variant of house/shed inventories getting bugged Hotfix #3 (8/16/2022): Probable workaround for clothing bug Fixed damage disparity between different variants of the Huron Fixed cartel messages being sent when someone is capping your cartel Make escort/pharma event vehicles tier-4 turbo Hotfix #4 (8/17/2022): Various exploit fixes Admin-menu-spawned vehicles spawn with T4 turbo Small performance improvements to sound handling If you find any issues please submit a Bug Report
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