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Everything posted by eknjack

  1. Cant abuse the player base if the player base doesn’t exist
  2. How does 13 houses open you up to further “rp experiences” in comparison to only having 5 houses? Plus who the fuck roleplays on olympus in the first place? Camping kav HQ does not count as rp btw
  3. crackhead
  4. eknjack


    found ur theme song
  5. i third this
  6. you smell

    1. CaloomClark


      Driving to your house and spinning your jaw rn.

    2. eknjack
  7. @ Headless doug jumper called you a retard on stream how do u feel

  8. no one wants your shitty gang shed pleb
  9. old bank was best
  10. yeah, when do i get unbanned from 88 discord? that will be a huge milestone in our delicate relationship
  11. ill think about it also whos dick am i sucking? you said something about admins and idrk man
  12. i get free dental care your just an idiot
  13. wah wah wah, im big john and im a manchild wah wah wah
  14. i dont like you calling me the r word please apologise or i will be writing to the lead civ council about your attitude
  15. Yeah I mean usually when shit is heavily civ sided it won’t give out the best loot. There’s a reason blackwaters have better loot and 88 never do them
  16. can the soviets blow you up on the reichstag next?
  17. Yeah and make sure to show the part where we took ur taser
  18. plus at least 50% of the people ask for TBC after their shit has been seized, the other 50% have massive egos and be cunts the whole way to PD then expect us to bow down to their demands
  19. this was defo never a thing
  20. Big John is a nonce
  21. Shut up fatso
  22. sheesh is that another fine sAPD officer stolen by Anzus Gaming? wowzers

  23. eknjack


    o7 big man
  24. https://gyazo.com/098949aa63c6274476f4481e55b959fb thanks for all the negative e-rep, off to tie the noose

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SPBojo
    3. vexha


      thats purepk btw he does the same shit 2 me

    4. eknjack


      @ jazzy yeah he thinks hes class 

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