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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Rafa

  1. Bro I did not read this, vive la raza
  2. Aw no he had to hit em with the classic
  3. Yknow after getting really into the Helldivers community, it occurred to me that Olympus might very well have long ago adapted a model of live-service gaming that we see, and may see more of, in modern gaming. Of course other games have done similar things but maybe it’s just the amount of bitching that goes on in the helldivers discord and the devs actually responding that brought about this anecdote 😂

  4. Very fair, I have a lotta respect for you man and I think you’re a great guy. Big love
  5. Brother, I don’t feel the need to @ people for the sake of proving that we’re friends. Go outside.
  6. Honestly, remember that time you got me banned because I broke your leg and emoted in front of the medic so you couldn’t heal after releasing you? That’s literally the point I evaluated my behavior on the internet and decided to not be toxic anymore. So real talk, you actually had a pretty good impact on who I am today which is as weird to say to you as I’m sure it is to hear Ah yes, I did hundreds of reports on my phone don’t know how proud I am of being hunched over my iPhone with AirPods in scrubbing through evidence during my smoke breaks but that shit did indeed happen
  7. For this post, I wished to have a collection of thoughts and statements reflecting my tenure as Staff w/ the second highest ticket count (Could be someone else now idk, also it might've been 3rd) SAPD, Senior Support, and the motherfucker who wrote like 75% of the wiki, and above all, a member of this community. If I call you out or put you on blast, just remember that this is only Olympus and that's as deep as these feelings go. I do not bear any ill will towards anyone and can genuinely say there is nobody on this server that I don't like. One of my deepest regrets is that I don't know that I can at everyone who has had an impact on me or improved my life, but at the end of the day, that truly is each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. It'll be a long one, but I hope my inate ramblings reflect the experiences you have all had and similar sentiments towards Olympus as I have and brings us some semblence of joy in having shared such an experience that has brought us all together and make the community what it is. @ Millennium I even formatted it and did not write it on my phone!!! An Open Letter to Olympus Staff While I knew that I was going to eventually sit down and write this post, I never knew what I was going to write. A better question yet, what could I write? What words can do justice to what the Olympus and ArmA 3 community has meant to me? I began playing this game, as many of us did, upon watching youtube personalities like jackfrags and FrankieonPC playing games like KOTH, DayZ, and ArmA Life. I have always had a weird fascination with roleplaying servers across many different games, and so many strange constants persist across this medium as a whole, most notably the mental health of the players, or lack thereof, and their probable, if not definite, need for counseling and adult supervision on the internet. Another constant that kept me coming back was the opportunity to escape from life and immerse yourself in a completely different world with the opportunity to meet an abundance of strange, hilarious, toxic, and wonderful strangers from across the world that populate it. Now, while Olympus isn't exactly the gold standard for those looking for that experience, it almost sort of is in a way. The world of Olympus is an insane rollercoaster of toxicity, massive egos, absolutely brain dead individuals, desync, request medic, 911 dispatch, unhinged forum posts, RoundTable deathmatches, he is dpi glitching comp or ban, and the most wonderful and sincere people you will ever meet. It is maintained, in all aspects, by an astounding group of people who do so out of a passion towards the community, the game mode, and most importantly, Staff Points . However, while they may make mistakes and err in judgment, they are all wonderful folks who dedicate a lot of time and energy towards Olympus in spite of IRL obligations and the amount of dirty bowls on their computer tables, and for the most part, I can say with certainty that almost each and every one of these Staff members and contributors do so because they value the experiences and memories they've made with Olympus. Speaking for myself, I joined Support Team in late 2019 because I had gotten so addicted to Olympus that I wanted to do everything I could to provide the opportunities to make such memories and friends that I had during my time. My only goal in every role I've held in this community has been centered around this idea. I want to be able to help provide the amazing experiences and friends that I've made on Olympus to as many people as I possibly could. Don't ask me how many staff points I had, or how many warpoints I got from doing tickets, because I do not remember. What I do remember, is the time that I spent one of my first staff points on 10 fully decked-out tempest devices and spent the weekend trying to hand them out to new players. I remember finding a player in the middle of a town, not knowing his mic was active, crying at his desk because he was a 16 year old kid with autism who had issues regulating his emotions and he was upset that he kept getting robbed or killed, and having my whole gang buy him a fat truck and airlift it by Taru to each point in the runs he wanted to do. I remember the satisfaction I would feel each and every time I had the opportunity to confront some of the most retarded toxic douchebags who seemed to cause problems for everyone and, by the merit of them being shit people, sending them the autofill message that their appeal was dogshit and if they had an ounce of sense or decency in them they could just learn from their mistake and play again but that's too high a bar so you can stay off the server. I remember each amazing person I've met that have not only taught me or shown me the way throughout my development as a staff member and whatnot, but how to be a better person, a better leader, and a better friend. When I say better leader, a lot of you might think that I'm speaking of barking orders and yelling at people in interrogation rooms, but the best lessons I've learned are in leniency and patience. For those who don't know, I manage restaurants for work across the midwest, and something I was definitely guilty of was something that I've seen, and still see, in a lot of other people in positions of power in life. Taking yourself too seriously. Both in instances where someone was ego'ing out, and in instances where people were demonstrating good judgment in a situation, I learned that you need to keep yourself grounded. You need to put yourself in the shoes of the other person and think about how you would want to be interacted with if the roles were reversed. I've seen so many admins deny appeals on the grounds of "yeah he broke the rules and he can just get fucked idc", but the ones that I've been most beneficial for not only how Staff interacts with and is perceived by the community, but the wellbeing of the community as well, is one in which the player has an opportunity to learn from their mistake and move on. The overall goal should be to keep people playing on the server and utilize the potential to make sure people understand and register what they did wrong and what they can do to make the situation right. Of course, I am in no way saying this is an issue for staff at large or even any current staff. It is just something I have always kept in mind while doing my duties, and I honestly just felt like talking about it. The best leaders are patient, empathetic, and kind, and even if it is just in the capacity of an ArmA 3 roleplay server, I urge all who hold any modicum of power in this community to keep that in mind as it will lead to your success and enjoyment of the community. Overall, I am so glad that I was able to be an admin, and it was one of the best experiences I've ever had, I just love this community so much and am so grateful for everything I've been able to take from it and for your trust in me. The efficacy and permanency of this thing for the whole is indispensable, keep being great at what you do. In reviewing the incidents of my tenure I am unconscious of intentional error, I am nevertheless too sensible of my defects not to think it probable that I may have committed many errors. Whatever they may be, I hope they are viewed with indulgence and that, after 4 years of my life that I've given to this community with an upright zeal, the faults of incompetent abilities will be consigned to oblivion, as I myself shall soon be. @ Ryan talked to you like 3 times, cool guy, audibly hebrew, nevertheless, thank you for all of the cool shit over the years @ Grandma Gary based head admin, crooked sense of humor, all around loveable oaf. Long live gourdma gory and may the powers that be never bring you to justice for what you have done. @ David Miller Even as an admin, you were a great person to learn from and a great example of what the ideal staff member looks like. You have incredibly sound judgement, abundant patience, and a solid determination to fulfill your role. nobody will ever forget you used to be a senior medic though. @ Fraali you have a really deep voice, i think thats sexy check dms for phone number @ Zahzi you're like the worm guy from smiling friends but i fw it? also, know that you spend thousands on height altering surgery every year, ladies and gentleman he is now a stout 4'9 @ Mako makopanic @ WALT I've been a big fan of WALT on youtube.com for a long time and its so great to see you in the CM role. @ destruct you're ok even though you speak frog. You were great at training admins and were always a great cool. @ ThatNerdyGuy I will always remember shooting the shit in support rooms and listening to you yell at headless. Probably one of the one's who gives "you actually seem too sane to be here" vibes as is evident by his successful relationship that isn't on a military simulator. We have very similar taste in music and I always loved when you would show me new artists or songs. Literally the only reason I'm such a huge Neck Deep and Wonder Years fan now which I can never thank you enough for xD @ King Sir we came up together and you should already know if I went all out on how much i love you this shit would be 10 pages long. I wish you would arrest me irl so that you could have your way with me and leave me dead in an alley with one between the opticals while your still warm seed fills my ear canal. It's been an immense pleasure getting to work with you on Support Team, SAPD, and Staff. One of the best friends ive made on this community, truly @ Mighty who is mighty? You are one of a kind type of individual and a great cool @ Caden Bagged milk enthusiasts will tell you everything you need to know about this man here. He's canadian. In spite of this horrible afflication, he is a wonderful guy, a great staff member, probably one of the best the SAPD has ever seen and an absolute gem of a guy. It was amazing to see you come up in the community and you've brought a lot of good to it. @ Xlax YOU ARE SEXY I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TO YOU. One of the best comeback stories in olympus history expert hacker xlax is now protectin the same streets he used to commit hate crimes on and does a damn good job of it while looking damn good. damn. @ notsodank Literally one of the funniest, kindest, and best dudes I've met. I will always miss our deep fried late night sessions in teamspeak and making up lies about you in cop channels to see if I could turn people against you. Notsoharam, you are truly one of the best and you were a machine when we would work together. Always going to be the other best Sr. Wiki Curator in my book. I love you sexy . @Headless I'm actually pretty shocked that Headless is gone. But I'll still mention him if only to say you are one of the most schizo people I have ever met in my life. Manipulative, Liar, Retard, out of control ego. One of the worst seniors, worst staff members, and all around L person who set out to rape the APD for nothing more than to satiate his own ego. SEEK. MENTAL. HELP. NOW. Would constantly verbally abuse subordinates, lie, fabricate circumstances where he was the always the victim, and would literally abuse the trust of seniors under him for his own gain. It's too bad I never got to tell you this myself, but when you left the SAPD, and then turned around and cried that you were forced out and removed, not only did you set a precedent that would be followed by other shitty seniors yet to come, but you did the APD the biggest favor you possibly could have. You were a really chill and nice guy before you just let olympus get to you. Hope you are doing well, but also eat a dick you fucking jag. @ Zeuse one of the funniest and nicest people I've met on this server, You will always be #myRPchief. Deputy Chief of the APD Roleplay Division, signing off for the last time. Protect the medics for me. @ Zombie Mall Cop I am actually shocked you are a designer. You must have finally grown a brain. Good for you man. @ Mason Harrison one of my first friends on Olympus and one of the best corporals the APD has ever seen. I will always treasure playing cop with you, @ maxg , @ Venomm , and Caden. Truly the peak of corporaldom in the APD. @ TapTap Another cool guy until he let olympus get to him. You were cool until you just started causing drama because you were grumpy you didn't have a virtual rank in a roleplaying game and the guy who did have the rank you saw yourself getting wasnt the guy you liked grr angry forums post. IDK whoever was all involved with that but you and @ Iceman and @ JaydenB started out so strong only to ego out and spiral like mfs. Don't get me wrong, you guys are all awesome guys and I like you, but also hope you guys are touching enough grass and simply taking a break from olympus ever now and then. It was just funny to see you guys go all victim mode and also say you were removed but you weren't removed and just relied on the mob mentality of the forums to validate your misguided opinions on the APD and to bash Winters. Things could've been different and I wish things didn't go the way they did but also i dont care its arma who cares about any of this you all are great cools and my opinion on shit that has already happened doesn't really matter considering i went into hibernation. An Open Letter to the APD Being apart of the SAPD was probably one of the best experiences I've gotten out of this server. Not only did I get to work with some really chill and wonderful people, but people who understood what the APD could be with the best interest of every member at the forefront of their priorities. Faction-life is a very interesting aspect of the game as it provides a setting in which several players from different gangs and different groups have a place where they can meet one another and play together. Some of the most amazing people and genuine friendships were forged for me in the trenches of the S1 cop channels. The APD can be thought of as one big gang, and it is often referred to as such with a negative connotation, however it is one of it's biggest strengths. It is incredibly satisfying when the entire channel is communicating, cooperating, and operating as a single unit and it sets the stage for some of the best experiences one can have on this server. I really could go on forever about how much I value the APD's place in the server and all it can provide to the playerbase. It truly is something wonderful. As for the head of this ship, Winters was another that I am convinced was bred in a lab somewhere in order to hold this postiion. While many of you know him as a very controversial chief (for some reason) he has always displayed a level of judgement, patience, and fairness that has far exceeded that of many other staff members, and particularly seniors, during the time I got to work with him. A lot of you seem to think that he's just checked out or holding a role hostage, but genuinely, Winter's has the best interest of the APD at the top of his list and contiuinally shows this in the ways that he works to advance the faction and ensure that fairness and fun are upheld both in the faction itself and the gameplay therein through the process laid out for us by way of roundtables. He has promoted the best possible candidates to assist him in this effort, and looking across the chain of command, I believe the future of the APD is a very bright one. For all Seniors, or those who aspire to that role, I urge you to practice empathy, patience, and to not take yourselves too seriously. The jump from JrAPD and SAPD can be very jarring for some people and a lot of people change when this happens. DONT. A lot of people fail to realize that the reason they were promoted in the first place is because of their own merit, and I'm guessing, when they make the jump to SAPD they believe they need to change it up in order to excel in their new role. This is true, but I always cringe when I've seen seniors turn from chill and smart folk who got promoted for their skills turn into absolute brain dead powermongers who think they're god's gift to the APD. Stay Humble, Stay Patient, Stay working towards your goals. You do not "make it" when you get promoted to SGT and it isn't an excuse to become a shitty person. For all Juniors, I know that your seniors will work to make sure your experiences within the APD are as wonderful as the ones I was fortunate enough to have. All you need to do to excel in the APD is communicate effectively, educate lower ranked officers on rules and mechanics, delegate tasks to lower ranked officers, and have a presence in the channel. Nobody ever needs to get yelled at or raged at and even though it is only in Arma, take the opportunity to learn yourself how you can be a better leader if you aspire to rise in the APD. These skills will not only help you to that end, but possibly in your real life goals as well. I always wanted to make sure you guys had the best APD experience possible and I hope during my tenure I was able to provide that to at least one player. @ Winters I dedicated an entire portion of this to you, but that doesn't do justice to how highly I think of you as a Chief. Hopefully, now that there is no incentive for me to suck dick, you take this genuinely. Always enjoyed playing games with you and Zeuse and I hope each of you has a nice big bowl of haggis in front of you. @ Mako Mako im not high @ Caden Already hyped this man up a lot but he is an incredible senior and a very good dep chief and a great cool @ Rexo If I were to sit here and write everything I want to say about you, this post would not only be extremely long, but extremely sexually graphic. One of the most genuine and kind people on this server and you can tell just by talking to him that he has the best interest of the server and the APD locked in. I know we haven't spoken in a long time, but all of those times you reached out to me over the last couple of months has really helped. My life has p much gone to fucking shit but it made me feel great when you would check in and say hey. Probably the nicest and coolest guy on the server. @ YakGod From couping you from Senior Support to working along side you as a senior, I have to say you have had one of the best comeback stories in Oly History and I am so glad that our friendship didn't end on the same terms as when you left Senior Support. You were the first person I became friends with by way of Senior Support and I have to say it's amazing to see you as a senior now. Keep it up and the sky is the limit for you homie @ Zeuse long live the APD roleplay division @headless fuck you jag just had to write it again At the end of the day, all I can think to say is thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the years of wonderful memories, amazing friends,and an excellent community. There is an immense depth to the gratitude that I feel towards Olympus and an even greater debt that I feel to Olympus for having been able to provide that to me. Olympus is truly a special place and I am so glad that I got to reach all of my goals and make memories for life. If you have any videos of me or anything you'd like to share I would love to archive them, so if you have anything like that, please post them below. If I mentioned you here and you want to reach out, feel free, would love to talk to all of you. Again, if I forgot to @ you, I apologize but just know that I love each and every one of you. @ Hatchbacks literally the funniest person I have ever met, you have broken my sense of humor, and you are one of the coolest dudes I know. Long live KCE, and long live the CEO. That’s it from me folks. As always, stay safe, god bless, and this entire post was an engagement text hands up or die
  8. Somebody @ I chop hatchbacks 

    o7 post coming to give love to the homies and farm upvoted 

  9. Hope you all are doing well. I have travelled many a place and met many a soul, acquired many a tale and have had many leave to the great wagon train in the sky. The last of the true and the lanterns of heathen hordes with desert under foot and hoove. 

  10. Contrary to popular belief, I have not been in prison this whole time. What is accurate, unfortunately, is that I was still viciously gang raped by a group of inmates. Some people think rape is about sex, but I’m here to tell you it’s all about that sweet sweet elixir we call “power”

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rafa


      @ Linka what are you confused about 

    3. hawkg


      @ Linka Can you not comprehend simple English?

    4. Linka


      @ hawkg  you can comprehend this dick

  11. Don’t take yourself too seriously and stay humble. As contrary to your nature as a teenager as it sounds, you know next to nothing about the real world but you’ll get there
  12. I am back, motherfucksirs and motherfuckmadams. This old boys been living off hot pies left on window sills by little old ladies and sweet sweet morphine they leave so cavalierly around their house. Let the pipeline flow, Charlie old boy 

    1. Rexo


      Good to have you back sir. They are not ready for your return!

    2. Xlax



  13. You can’t talk about deaths or numbers with this guy because it always comes back to denying the holocaust and how the smokestacks at auschwitz were impossible or some shit
  14. Very well deserved lads, congrats! @ Masonn  and @ WALT

  15. Smoke a bowl in honor of us good sir. O7
  17. I just have a penchant for rolling blunts and bubble hash n keef go goofy af since my ex broke my dab rig
  18. Big into bubble hash right now. Pens give me a headache unless I’ve been drinking prior. Also just got these Jell-O shots without alcohol but they have thc edible jello inside
  19. This is an intelligent life forum Also, what are you smoking and where can I get some
  20. My next ban is life in prison
  21. For any of you who enjoy McAlisters, let me leak some corporate secrets. 

    New items this summer, I’ve tried them all and here is my take 

    Lemon-Blueberry cookies - Fire 

    Asian Crunch Salad w/ Asian Sesame dressing - Fire

    Strawberry Shortcake - it’s aight 

    Passionberry Tea - mid if you don’t like sweet Tea 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lea


      Those potatoes tho... 🤤

    3. stayclaxxy


      the memphian or whatever it is called is goated.

    4. Hawkgnewaccount


      @ Rafa  i just started working at mcdonalds 2 weeks ago  corprate secret the frappes ice creams and nuggets are all made with fresh ingredients

  22. Rest in peace to a stock image model Sorry bro The Office already did this
  23. @ Big John1 what are the chances 

    wont let me time stamp it but watch at 1:10 on 

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