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Everything posted by Madnesss

  1. dude can you shut the fuck up no one wants or asks for your dogshit advice you got from grade 10 gym class stfu freak
  2. free ^ @ wshd  another attempted BC assassination 

  3. Madnesss


    thank god
  4. boxingstreams . cc for the fight 

  5. Madnesss


    noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fuck this not scooby doo
  6. he the montage manager
  7. not cool
  8. is conquest s3 today

  9. server 1 is eating dirt please do not host cq on s1

  10. move time later !
  11. https://gyazo.com/e40176e99ce8dea33bf0e8166a33b0d3 new cap looking good
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strae
    3. Monks


      Yeah I was mad about that one too, overall was a really frustrating fed, but still fun tho GG gamers.

    4. Kamikaze


      10 hours ago, Strae said:

      go-kart god strae

      I like how u turn the go-kart sideways as if its bout to give u some cover

  12. thanksgiving conquest? 

    i got no family, no type of friends, no food... 

    i'm tryna play my fav arma 3 server!

  13. selling @RiseAvATAR kidney 1m or best offer kidney.thumb.jpg.9193fbc35df53db4ab26ad0b223aa36c.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RvZz


      I'll buy the other 65% of his brain off you. He's really struggling with out.

    3. Rise


      bro 1mil a good deal, actually something that works ahaha, cheers chadd

    4. -sam


      interesting mark up

  14. kanye
  15. boiled grape o7
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