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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Shout out to @Aresfor hosting that event. Lots of fun.

  2. Sorry, didn't know I owed you an explanation for my every decision regarding the APD. I'll be sure keep everyone in the loop next time. You know, the Staff operate the same way we do; behind closed doors. Why don't you demand explanations from them whenever they make a decision you don't like? I'm not responding to this thread any further and I highly encourage my colleagues to do the same. Call me whatever you want, but if I was as corrupt as you're making me out to be, the staff would've shitcanned me a while ago. I don't owe you shit regarding this matter.
  3. We want Haiwood? Could've fooled me... Maybe the R&R members weren't clear enough when they said that R&R and APD can be lax with promo requirements. Victoria had a part in getting Moob to S&R quickly. Moob asked me if he could return the favour and help her along with the APD. I okayed it. What the fuck's the big deal?
  4. ... Lock the thread. You shouldn't be allowing mental illness of this magnitude to go on for this long.
  5. R&R did Moob a favour. As shadow said, Moob passed his tests with flying colours. We decided to return the favour. Victoria didn't just get PO. We put her through a battery of tests and we made sure the questions were more difficult than the run of the mill Deputy and PO tests. We even went back to some CPL and SGT re-eval test questions. I don't know where you idiots get this MCPD thing from when none of this has anything to do with it. This was simply a quid pro quo thing between R&R and APD. If you want it to be an MCPD thing, then I can go through this thread and blacklist anyone who so much as hints at MCPD...
  6. At this point, out of 105 voters, 70 (66%) of them don't want Tanoa anymore. I think the will of the people is clear.
  7. I don't think price really matters if you factor in time. My PC is around $2K, but that was three years ago. I get 20FPS on Tanoa and there isn't a time when I don't get stutters, spikes, and tears playing at med-high settings. Bottom line: $1500PC now compared to $1500PC two or three years ago is a huge difference in terms of performance.
  8. Are you mad? A wipe would kill the server.
  9. If the removal/revamp of the hospitals was in the donation goal, we'd be in the black by now. 

    1. ToeKnee


      Damnnnn shots fired 

    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      For the record, this post was not to be inflammatory. I took an Economics course in high school. Demand is high, which means people are willing to pay for it at this point. 

    3. DeadPool


      You could almost anything with getting rid of hospitals and it would get it to 

  10. Remove it altogether. The donation goal would be easier to achieve since it's $300/month we wouldn't have to worry about. It's costing more than what it's worth. If you still want to keep a third server, then make it an Altis server. I think we all know by now that everything else we've tried in the past, whether it be Wasteland, KOTH, Exile, or Rust, has failed miserably. Altis Life has a proven track record of bringing in more players. More players = more donations.
  11. No. If you get removed for inactivity, you can't be reinstated to the Reserves. You'll have to start over and join the Reserves upon promotion to PO.
  12. Once again, if you want to join the Reserves, then PM your squad SGT or LT and they'll get you sorted out. Do not post on this thread or you may be inadvertently overlooked.
  13. No. It's not something that will need to be monitored all that much.
  14. No. You cannot progress beyond P.O. unless if you're Active Duty. Deputies will be Active regardless. They'll have the option to go reserve once they make it to P.O. Current P.O.s have the option to transfer over as well.
  15. Ladies & Gentlemen, The Senior APD have decided to roll out the APD Reserve Officer Program. To put it simply, if you're a reserve, you don't have to make your time. The only officers who can be in the reserves are Patrol Officers. If you're a P.O. and cannot or will not make your weekly playtime requirement, message your squad SGT or LT and request a transfer to the Reserve Squad. Conversely, if you're a Deputy who has just passed a P.O. ride-along, then you will be offered a spot in the reserves. This is completely optional, however, if you do join the reserves, we require that you stay a reserve for a month at the minimum. This is to prevent people from transferring to the reserves when they cannot make their times and immediately switching back to active duty when they can make times. This is effective immediately. If you have any questions, feel free to post below. -Chief
  16. I'm a Republican. ...And I'll have you know CoP was spoon-fed to me by Dili himself. If you want to contain Kavala, give the Chief an Armed Blackfish. I'll come through four times per reset and let loose with the guns. Problem solved.
  17. Vote Democrat...
  18. I think this community would benefit immensely from going to PAX East. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trevor Phillips

      Trevor Phillips

      That does sound fun, then afterwards we can hit some bars dude

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I wanna see the keyboard warriors shit talk then, aye.

    4. Dustin87


      Andrew i would take my keyboard and whack it on your head :Kappa: 

  19. I'd be a bailiff if you need one. You should have at least six jurors. Twelve would be preferable, but that might be hard to come by. Just remember that you'll need a unanimous vote for a conviction or acquittal.
  20. Four Locos taste like shit.

  21. This video has me rolling, haha! 


    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      I feel bad for laughing. 

    2. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      @Peter Long remember when i did this some months ago but it was something a bit different :s  uhhh oohhh

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Mobundo nobody was shot and killed in this video. Although I don't see the humor in this one, nobody died. 

  22. How long does it take? Could I start it and leave the house for a while?
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